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We need more Nordic Foods!


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I haven't really seen any mods that add foods you would EXPECT to see in Skyrim. Being Minnesotan, I'm reminded of the variety of foods popular with Nordic/Scandinavian folks and how they fit into the landscapes of the land, and would fit perfectly into the lands of Skyrim.


There are base foods missing from the game, such as fruits and vegetables that would certainly fit into Skyrim and it's habitats. They are known to be in traditional Viking/Nordic dishes. Root veggies such as turnips, parsnips, celery/wild celery, radishes, watercress, spinach, horseradish, mustard greens and wild greens. Fruits include bilberries, blueberries, blackberries/raspberries, lingonberries, elderberries, cloudberries, cranberries, wild plums, wild apples, hawthorne berries, strawberries, rosehips and wild cherries. There are also nuts like hazelnuts and walnuts. Plenty of herbs such as fennel, dill, parsley, cumin. Fish were a big part of the diet, so adding fish such as herring, cod, eels, smelt, haddock, pike, perch and others.


'Cuisine' such as....


- Smoked and Cured Meats/Fish

- Red/Game Meats smoked or dried such as Jerky, Fatback, Salted Meats

- Smoked/Cured Fish - Not just Salmon, but Trout, Herring, Cod, Lamprey, Eel, Smelt and others.

- Herring/Cod Roe. Hearthfire recently introduced Salmon Roe, so part of it is already finished.


- Pickled/Other Preserved Meats and Veggies/Fruits

- The notorious Lutefisk! Though it may not be applicable to Skyrim since it requires Lye to prepare. It might be an expensive delicacy

- Pickled Herring/Cod or other white fishes.

- Pickled vegetables such as pickled leeks, turnips, parsnips, carrots, cabbage. Pickled and preserved fruits including Jazbay Grapes.

- Fermented fish dishes.


- Other Dishes

- Lefse - Traditional potato flatbread, easily crafted.

- Coarse Breads using barley, oats and others.

- Porridges, 'hardtack' and other grain meals.


Methods of preparing these foods can already be found in the game, or added. Smoking and drying meats could easily be done over fires, and other forms of curing can be done in the ground, barrels or other sources.


Some of these additions would require new models to be made, others could use existing models or even slightly altered models to be used.


Now I'm hungry!

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I agree. We need more lore friendly foods. I see food mods but some add "Hamburgers or French Fries". Really? I'm happy that people are making food mods for once but...adding stuff like that...so unrealistic.


Thanks to Hearthfire we now have more food items to make things with. Milk, Butter, Flour. We should be able to make stuff easier now.


If someone made the models, I could try texturing or if someone else wants to texture I could try adding them in game.

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Oooh, fermented fish dishes. In a pickle you can even use the cans of Surströmming as chemical weapons ;)


Hmm, I could try to help some, especially if someone takes over the textures, but bear in mind that I can only do the simplest of models (I could probably do a brick-shaped Rugbrod:p), and I'll need some visual reference in any case.

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Hrm, I've been doing the basics of something like this as a personal project, but seeing as all I've done is tinker with someone elses mod by adding a few foods and recipes (mostly jerkies/salted meats, tinkering with stew recipes), I'm definitely keeping it to myself.


I'd be interested in checking this out on the CK side of things if some nice artists end up with some art for me to play with. :)

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While we're at it, let's put realistic amounts of food in bags and barrels. I mean, when would you ever open a barrel and find three potatoes?


Also: Onions. Why the heck don't we have onions? It's one of the most basic old-world foods there is, and one of the most vital for cooking anything.

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- Lefse - Traditional potato flatbread, easily crafted.


Was this really a traditional Nord meal? I thought Potato's were indigenous to North America?


There are potatos in Skyrim so you tell me.


Good point, I am breaking lore by suggesting United States of America.... we are not on Earth in Skyrim. :)

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