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Best mods for women appearance?


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this is such a subjective thing. cause you can ask 10 people and get 10 different answers.


personally I use

UNP based bodies -- I use my own Unique Races mod for different underwear options per race

All In One Face for female faces

and I combine parts of

Ashara Princesss of the Woods

Brokefoot UNP mashup compilation

and Petrovich's items as utilized in UNP Clothing Merchant

and to spice things up

Apachii Sky Hair

The Eyes of Beauty

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Thing I always wonder... If your replacing the body mesh... Do all the armour from the game fit? Or do you need a armour mod as well?

Here is how it works.


The body slot is #32 in the Creation Kit


Any armor that is assigned to #32 will replace the assigned body mesh with it's own armor and bits of body.


What this means is that while you can wear armor designed for say UNP Skinny with a base body of UNPB BBP the body shape will actually change between wearing the armor and not wearing the armor.


For some this is not acceptable and so they stick with armor designed for the body shape they are using. For others, they don't care.

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