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Best mods not on Nexus


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Im talking about things like Qarls Texture Packs, things that are too big or for some other reason are not hosted here but are must haves.



Anyone care to make a list?


Im seen a few but most other mod sites are pure **** including PlanetElderScrolls.


Talking about things like MMM, Francescos, OOO, Qarls etc.

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The Fight for Castle Ravenpride (I heard it's really good, nexus only shows linkys)


Blood&Mud (I think)



Blood&Mud is available on the Nexus


The Fight for Castle Ravenpride is also here, but like Mr Cooper mentioned, only via mirrors dlable


EDIT: I think that there's nothing better than TESNexus, but if you're curious, you could check Planet Oblivion or Planet Elder Scrolls.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A very nice site is Oblivion Real State


As the name implies, it has links to all kinds of real estate, from small houses to large estates, from portable houses to quest prize castles. And many resources and some tile sets.


Maybe half of the links point back here to TES Nexus, but the other half point to other download sites (mostly PES)



Maybe off topic: another site I have heard about recently is the Oblivion Mod Wiki

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Based on the sheer fact that no one has been able to mention any outstanding mods that aren't at least linked from tesnexus I feel so glad that this is the modding site I'm home-based at.
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