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better power armor


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the power armors in the fallout 2 were quite effective.

unless you use certain powerful weapons(gauss rifle,vindicator,plasma-pulse file etc.) the wearer cant be damaged.in fallout 3 power armors sucks.

shoot 5 bullets at an enclave guy his head explodes and that armor was supposed to be a one-man based tank :blink:





Also i would die to have an enclave helmet with dark blood red eyes like the ones in the fallout tactics not with stupid yellow ones.

that would rock :rolleyes:

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I'm not sure, since I haven't taken a look behind the scenes in the game yet, but I read in another thread that armor for enemies doesn't actually make them any more resistant to damage, but just gives their protected parts more "health". That could be why armor doesn't seem so impressive on enemies, but it should work for you well so long as you keep it repaired.


I do think it would be nice if heavily armored enemies were a little tougher.

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