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Horrible Lines - Make Them Go Away!


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Hello, now and again I will notice dirty great big lines on my character that really ruins the visuals for me and I need them gone or at least reduced. There is probably a simple solution but I don't know it :unsure:



This image was taken medium settings with 1360x768 resolution, I did this for performance reasons but do I have to sacrifice that much visual quality for those settings? I'm also using an ENB mod with Climates of Tamriel (fyi).


The worst hit part is my actual character, and seems to mostly have problems on the main body - which at the moment is UNP but i'm sure I had a similar problem with CBBE. Could these meshes/textures not be playing well with the lighting or something? I'm guessing it could be related to AA, SMAA, shaders, shadow striping, but just don't know.


I get a similar thing with exterior lighting - the rocks and cliffs get that horrible striped effect like when a shadow-emitting light source is placed wrong.


Any sort of advice would be appreciated.

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That might be what i'm thinking of, I only really played with standard settings to keep things safe.


Well I tried the lowest AA and anisotropic settings giving this result :biggrin:



The performance hasn't been hit that hard so I will keep this, thanks for the tip :thumbsup:


I just need help to do away with this wobbly line effect that looks like a poor reflection, maybe it's some sort of shaders setting? :unsure:

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