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Wrist Crossbow - A shooting apparatus for your gauntlets


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Wrist Crossbow - A shooting apparatus for your gauntlets!

A Crossbow which you attach to wrist like a gauntlet would be so nice. You should have to improve your gauntlets at a workbench to attach a fast and deadly shooting apparatus to it so your lower arm becomes nearly a gun itself but still lore-friendly. Maybe with a nice Dwarven variant that unfold like a spider or scorpion. The normal variant should work like this really nice piece of machinery shown in this video here:


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  • 2 years later...

The vanilla Dwemer spheres already have a working version of a wrist-mounted crossbow. All we need is for some talented modder to lop off that robot arm and superglue it to a gauntlet. (In oversimplified terms.) Of course in reality that would most likely entail weeks or months of mesh and texture splicing, digging around in the Dwemer AI scripts, and fixing skeleton animation bugs, not to mention adding crafting recipes or other means to acquire them. But hey, there's modders out there who have done way more complex stuff, right? The only problem is finding one who still has the will to help out the talent-less nobodies like us who cant do it for ourselves. Unfortunately, by the time most modders I've seen have worked enough to get to an advanced skill range, they've all but given up on the field and would rather move on to something new than continue breaking their backs on a game that technically died two years ago.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

Hmm... it could be done by changing the standard animations of shooting a normal crossbow in-game and then make a very simple weapon file that acts like a piece of appeal. However... that would mean the animations would be changed for ALL crossbows in game... but if you not planing on playing with the Dawnguard you might be able to enjoy the fruits of the labor

EDIT: Or by teaming up/ getting some advice from Soldie, he managed to make custom effects on everything with the name "Spear" so that it kept vanilla animations unless a certain tag was in the weapon name.

Edited by Agnonthewolf
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