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Marcus Wolfe

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Hmm, a similar idea would be a mix of the Rock-It Launcher and Saw blades, you shoot spinning blades that has a 100% chance to cut through body parts. But the downside would be the inaccuracy as it may fire a little too high/low, or it may rotate in the air and fly off in the wrong distance.
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All right, since it's clear that we don't have any veteran modders looking at this, I'm going to break down the basic mod creation process:


1. Person suggests mod.

2. Various people discuss mod.

3. Modder announces he is going to handle this mod.

4. Modder creates mod.

5. Mod is uploaded.

6. Mod is downloaded and enjoyed by people everywhere.


With this mod, I though for sure we'd be on step 3 by now. So, have we any volunteers?

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Firstly I in every way support the need for an RPC.


Secondly, I propose this be expanded into a whole absurd weapons weapon pack, call them experimental. Stick them in some lost bunker along with notes on a terminal from a slightly deranged scientist who toiled way in obscurity crafting weapons that defy practicality and to a small extent reality. The US military cooked up some bizarre weapon ideas in real life, including strapping incendiaries to bats, yes the flying nocturnal mammal.


I think Fallout 3 is the perfect universe for stuff like this. The whole highly advanced retro future past that Fallout is lends itself very well to support things of this nature.


btw, the wiki article on the bat bomb :P


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True that! And let us not forget, the list of weapons that shoot other weapons!, which includes Flaming Chainsword Gunchucks:Twin uzis (without the sissy trigger guards) linked together by cable with 12" chainsaws modified into short swords protruding from the grips near lighter fluid dispensers that cover the chinsword parts in firey goodness, and The Box of Scorpions (self explanatory)
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