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[LE] Get a trigger from another interior


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The PlaceAtMe() will PLACE / CREATE the object that lives / exists as an instant in CK (in the game's assets) to the position you will call it to be place, so when your trigger box is placed / CREATED it will have 0,0,0 in X,Y,Z, Dimension, or inherit the size of the object it's been place.

Each time you use " PlaceAtMe() " you will create a NEW object in game and you will not be moving the targeted object.

What you need to do if you insist on using a Trigger Box is :

1) Create a cell where your Trigger Box will be living, it doesn't need to have anything just a floor and the trigger box with its dimensions pre-set.

2) In order to be place to the position you'll call it, you have to use " MoveTo() " and NOT " PlaceAtMe() ".

3) The Trigger Box uppon geting to the targeted position NEEDS TO HAVE SET ITS ANGLES to :

X,Y,Z = 1,2 - 1,4 - 1,6

And not have absolute angle degrees numbers (0,0 or 1,0 or 1,0005) , otherwise it won't get Activated / Triggered, it's a default vanilla bug.

Edited by maxarturo
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