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Raiders have Magic Underwear


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Both male and female Raiders are usually bare-chested, except for the stray bits of armor—a shoulder plate, a leather strap, some metal cups as a pseudo-bra on the females—so when you take their armor off their corpses, why does underwear magically appear where before there obviously was none?


That magic underwear annoys me greatly. It's an insult to my intelligence, put there for no apparent reason except to avoid showing nudity—because apparently it's okay to splatter people into puddles of blood and gore, but unacceptable to catch sight of a nipple.


That's retarded.


Can anybody mod that magic underwear away?

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It annoys me so much that I don't even bother taking armor off dead Raiders anymore. Having that Magic Underwear suddenly appear on a torso that clearly didn't have any before is an incredible insult. It might actually be more insulting than making it impossible to kill child characters.


I'd really like a mod to get rid of the Magic Underwear. I'm pretty sure that seeing a dead Raider chick's titties would not turn anybody into a murderous necrophiliac.

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