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Mods for NPC variety?


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saw one that adds Apachii hair to the ladies, and think i saw one for different heights. any out there to give npcs a variety of body types? i guess there'd also need to be armor mods for that too since the body shape will change for whatever armor/clothes it's in.


also, any mods that make npcs change attire? thanks

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There's no VORB for Skyrim, unfortunately. That was a latecomer to the Oblivion modding world, and I suspect that any Skyrim equivalent will take a similarly long time to build. You could, of course, try contact VadersApp directly, and see if he plans on building a new version.


My concern with a mod like that is that it could make a lot of modded armours unusable. Even if someone makes the necessary changes to all vanilla clothes to make them compatible with a VORB-esque mod, it's likely that there wouldn't be an easy way to do the same with every custom outfit that modders have created.

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My concern with a mod like that is that it could make a lot of modded armours unusable. Even if someone makes the necessary changes to all vanilla clothes to make them compatible with a VORB-esque mod, it's likely that there wouldn't be an easy way to do the same with every custom outfit that modders have created.


You know, that's a risk I'd be willing to take. I would take a good VORB over a bucketful of custom armors any day.

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found those 2. no clothes with them tho. Basvanbeus' looks pretty complicated. maybe if i add a few mods that have different body type clothes, then i could go around dressing npcs lol. there was a mod for Fallout where you could just walk up to someone and open up their inventory and give them stuff like armors. maybe get some variety that way if there is such a mod

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I think AV has hopes of in the future of doing meshes as well as textures, but that sounds like it would be a while. It would be amazing, though, and the answer to all our problems (except that it currently assigns randomly so that the same dog, for instance, can look differently the next time you see him...)


I wonder, though... It seems like AV would do textures for people and armors and clutter and et cetera if anyone made texturepacks for them. (I might be wrong, but I didn't think anything in AV itself actually limited it to animals.)

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