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Warspace Extension Discussion


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First off, just to beat a dead horse: love the mod, playing a marathan ironman classic game now and it's making XCOM way way way more fun. A few comments:





1. Please, please, show me how many Weapon Fragments I have when I'm in the Engineering bay. For some reason, the game only lists Alloy and Elerium, but not Weapon Fragments. So I'm forever going to the Gray Market just to see how many Fragments I have.

1a. Also, if it's somehow possible to see alien corpse inventory in Engineering and Research, that would be great. Would make the planning around building stuff like Chitin plating a lot less tedious.



2. Enable Laboratory from the start. Love that Workshop is enabled, why not Lab? Especially on Marathon games, this could help immensely.



3: Add Grappling Hook and Ghost mode to Psi-armor, or else buff Psi-armor's bonus to Will. I haven't gotten to Psi-armor in my Warspace game yet, and I know your patch notes say that all light armor has added movement abilities, so maybe this is a moot point. But just in case it's not: Psi-armor's lack of any positives except for the bonus to Will focuses your soldier into Psi abilities at the expense of all the other armor type upgrades out there, and the 20 bonus to will is just not good enough to make it worth while, imho. With 110+ Will, my soldiers have less than 15% chance to Mind Fray an Ethereal. I think it should be in the 20-30% range for a top notch Psi soldier.


4. Make the Mind Shield item add to both Will offense and defense. Otherwise it's just a worthless item. (although maybe less so now that heavy armor grants two item slots)


5. I'd looooooove to see a Psi Operative class. I think it would add some interesting dynamics to squad composition. I think there are enough abilities to fill out the tree if you can borrow from the aliens' Psi powers.


Ughh, there are so many more little tweaks that I'm forever thinking of when I'm playing the game, but can't think of right now. I'll update more.



---------BUG REPORT--------------------


My one, very minor bug encountered:


'Abort Mission' dialogue box pops up every turn on it's own after civilian is extracted.


In an escort mission, I moved the civilian to the extraction zone. In vanilla, I believe the mission always ends right there. However, the mission did not end, the 'Alien Activity' text would come up and then disappear almost instantly, and the 'Abort Mission' dialogue box kept popping up every single turn on it's own. So finally I just moved my whole squad to the extraction zone and aborted, hoping that it would just treat the mission as completed. But, alas, it did not, Mission Failed.


Now I guess it's possible I left an alien alive, but I really really really don't think I did. I would have reloaded the mssion, but it was an Ironman game. But for the sake of argument, let's say I did miss a mob, the 'Abort Mission' dialogue box thing was still problematic. Actually this could be a problem with Vanilla that I never encountered, but might as well note it.

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First off, just to beat a dead horse: love the mod, playing a marathan ironman classic game now and it's making XCOM way way way more fun. A few comments:





1. Please, please, show me how many Weapon Fragments I have when I'm in the Engineering bay. For some reason, the game only lists Alloy and Elerium, but not Weapon Fragments. So I'm forever going to the Gray Market just to see how many Fragments I have.

1a. Also, if it's somehow possible to see alien corpse inventory in Engineering and Research, that would be great. Would make the planning around building stuff like Chitin plating a lot less tedious.



2. Enable Laboratory from the start. Love that Workshop is enabled, why not Lab? Especially on Marathon games, this could help immensely.



3: Add Grappling Hook and Ghost mode to Psi-armor, or else buff Psi-armor's bonus to Will. I haven't gotten to Psi-armor in my Warspace game yet, and I know your patch notes say that all light armor has added movement abilities, so maybe this is a moot point. But just in case it's not: Psi-armor's lack of any positives except for the bonus to Will focuses your soldier into Psi abilities at the expense of all the other armor type upgrades out there, and the 20 bonus to will is just not good enough to make it worth while, imho. With 110+ Will, my soldiers have less than 15% chance to Mind Fray an Ethereal. I think it should be in the 20-30% range for a top notch Psi soldier.


4. Make the Mind Shield item add to both Will offense and defense. Otherwise it's just a worthless item. (although maybe less so now that heavy armor grants two item slots)


5. I'd looooooove to see a Psi Operative class. I think it would add some interesting dynamics to squad composition. I think there are enough abilities to fill out the tree if you can borrow from the aliens' Psi powers.


Ughh, there are so many more little tweaks that I'm forever thinking of when I'm playing the game, but can't think of right now. I'll update more.



---------BUG REPORT--------------------


My one, very minor bug encountered:


'Abort Mission' dialogue box pops up every turn on it's own after civilian is extracted.


In an escort mission, I moved the civilian to the extraction zone. In vanilla, I believe the mission always ends right there. However, the mission did not end, the 'Alien Activity' text would come up and then disappear almost instantly, and the 'Abort Mission' dialogue box kept popping up every single turn on it's own. So finally I just moved my whole squad to the extraction zone and aborted, hoping that it would just treat the mission as completed. But, alas, it did not, Mission Failed.


Now I guess it's possible I left an alien alive, but I really really really don't think I did. I would have reloaded the mssion, but it was an Ironman game. But for the sake of argument, let's say I did miss a mob, the 'Abort Mission' dialogue box thing was still problematic. Actually this could be a problem with Vanilla that I never encountered, but might as well note it.


1. Hardcoded, can't change it.


2. I don't think you need to build a lab at the start. You should focus your money on different things at that point.


3. PSI armor gives a gigantic Will boost. It doesn't have the special movement abilities of the other light armors, but it does have the mobility and defense bonusses. I still haven't received any feedback on it, so I'm not sure if it's good enough or not.


4. It's hardcoded.


5. Hardcoded.


The abort dialogue pops up when you have a soldier in the extraction zone. The game does this in case you intend to abort the mission at the end of the turn. You failed the mission because you didn't kill all aliens. Contrary to what HQ tells you, your primary objective is to kill all aliens.

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2. I don't think you need to build a lab at the start. You should focus your money on different things at that point.


Wow, thanks for quick response.


Before I get into the relative merits of building an early Lab, isn't modding about adding choices and variety to the vanilla gameplay? Maybe it's not the best thing to buy right away, but let the player decide that and just have more potential opening strategies to tinker with.


That said: This is my 3rd Warspace game so far (I've restarted twice) and the past two times I've gotten to a point where I have 10+ engineers, a second satellite uplink and some satellites in production, and craaazy long research times but can't build a Lab. I don't need the Lab as the starting move, but I think it needs to be available much sooner.

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2. I don't think you need to build a lab at the start. You should focus your money on different things at that point.


Wow, thanks for quick response.


Before I get into the relative merits of building an early Lab, isn't modding about adding choices and variety to the vanilla gameplay? Maybe it's not the best thing to buy right away, but let the player decide that and just have more potential opening strategies to tinker with.


That said: This is my 3rd Warspace game so far (I've restarted twice) and the past two times I've gotten to a point where I have 10+ engineers, a second satellite uplink and some satellites in production, and craaazy long research times but can't build a Lab. I don't need the Lab as the starting move, but I think it needs to be available much sooner.


Good point.

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Liking what I'm seeing of Warspace so far, great work!


The thing I'd like to see which I don't spot in the change log is increased manufacture times.


During my first play through I was able to build the vast majority of items instantly which removes an element of strategy and planning imho!


Even that first medkit should take a little time to manufacture :)

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I'm having problems with this mod... I like it a lot overall, but the extra item slots are bugged for me...


I'll explain: when I equipped my soldiers with my new carapace armors, sur ethey got an extra slot. But when I un-equip and re-equip it, the slots never come back...


So basically, if I ever change armor the extra slot is lost... this can't be right, can it? You can never switch an armor out for basic armor without losing the slot forever?


Note: I haven't started Steam in online mode since I modded the game, not even to play another game... so it can't be an interfering firaxis patch...


What should i do?


EDIT: also, for abduction missions, panic levels still increases in entire continents, not specific countries.

Basically it looks like the mod just stopped working entirely for me?

Edited by gerancos
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I'm having problems with this mod... I like it a lot overall, but the extra item slots are bugged for me...


I'll explain: when I equipped my soldiers with my new carapace armors, sur ethey got an extra slot. But when I un-equip and re-equip it, the slots never come back...


So basically, if I ever change armor the extra slot is lost... this can't be right, can it? You can never switch an armor out for basic armor without losing the slot forever?


Note: I haven't started Steam in online mode since I modded the game, not even to play another game... so it can't be an interfering firaxis patch...


What should i do?


EDIT: also, for abduction missions, panic levels still increases in entire continents, not specific countries.

Basically it looks like the mod just stopped working entirely for me?


Just to make sure: you started a new game after you installed this mod, correct?

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Sadly, it's not possible to change that.


Actually it is possible to enable production times for items. This thread shows how:



I have managed to modify the XComStrategyGame.upk as DeamonJax suggested - though how he know waht to insert in hex to get the "jump" command - is beyond my knowledge.


Anyways using this example I managed to:

1. Change the function in upk to always return production times,

2. I applied all the changes on ORIGINAL exe

3. Changed the default production time for pistols from 7d to 5d in the WARSPACE DefaultGameCore.mod

4. Then I applied the warspace mod on top of the exe and voila :) Production times + warspace mod - all in one game :P


I was doing some preliminary testing and I noticed that sometimes the build times from event list (Base view) do not match the times from upcoming events in Mission Control when you quickly flip between thise screens. Initially I thought that it was a bug resulting from my modifications, but tested it also on vanilla game - and observed the same behavior. Will play some more with the game and report :)


So it seems to work - unless of course I am missing something and do not realize that there are some more things that need to be changed.

Edited by Odie1974
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