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the Walking Dead


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I would love to use a mod that added in a very Walking dead/zombie apocalypse feel to skyrim. Hordes of undead traversing across the lands and your character has to find paths around them or get overwhelmed by the hordes. Preferably they wont be just basic Druhgar place randomly everywhere throughout the game.


What would it take, and what kind of skillz would you need to implement this scale of a mod?

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I would love to use a mod that added in a very Walking dead/zombie apocalypse feel to skyrim. Hordes of undead traversing across the lands and your character has to find paths around them or get overwhelmed by the hordes. Preferably they wont be just basic Druhgar place randomly everywhere throughout the game.


What would it take, and what kind of skillz would you need to implement this scale of a mod?


Very Interesting Request. Also replacing all NPCs and Creatures outside Major Cities with Zombies and a more Populated Skyrim adding 5-10x more NPCs and Creatures. Possibly even making Wolves into Zombie Dogs

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