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I have several characters, each with a different background and play style. Which one I currently play depends on my mood.


Just a sampling of my motley crew: A high elf that thinks he's an orc, an scrawny orc (kind of looks like Don Knotts in an orc costume) that was evicted from Largashbur and grew up in riften, an argonian that just wandered about poking his nose in and doing NO major quests or guilds until he retired with his family to Lakeview, and a wood elf that's taken up where the argonian left off (except he's a bit of a coward).

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My first character is a Breton thieve who makes his way up in the thieves' guild. But then my game crashed so terribly that I had to re-install it and I got this mod of a Snow Elf so, lo and behold, now I'm one of the few surviving snow elves who still walk Skyrim is secrecy.
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My Redguard character, Al'sabar, was originally one of the first Alik'r Mercenaries hired to locate Saadia, a Redguard woman who had fled the Aldmeri authorities from her homeland for one reason or another after the fall of her city. Although the order came through from the former cities high council, Al'sabar was confused by Saadia's revelations. Unclear who was lying, he resolved to fix the matter himself. Murdering any Thalmor agents and Imperial lackeys he was in the midst of organizing the coup to depose Skyrim of the Elven Supremacists in the attempt to gather a force of allies with which he could wrest control of the city of Taneth back from the Thalmor. Then he would be able to locate Saadia once more if she proved to be a liar.


However , while training Stormcloak troops in readiness for their guerilla war on Imperial lands, sold out by spies or traitors, he was captured. Due for execution, he was saved by Alduin. Despite the revelation shortly after of being the Dragonbirn, Al'sabar realised that if it was Prophecy or fate for him to save the world of Alduin, he could do it whenever he wanted. Focussing instead on his initial goal of destroying mer influence, for there is no love lost between Hammerfell and the Orsimer, he took up the life of a lone hunter, destroying isolated imperial watch towers and patrols, all the while keeping a tab on the Redguard woman Saadia around Whiterun.


However, impatient of his apparent lack of success, the council of the Alik'r Desert Lords ordered a strike team of so called Alik'r mercenaries - who proved to be little more than Caravan Guards and Thugs, their skills and intimidation no use against the bleak and hardy nords. With his own agenda, the death of his countrymen were necessary; however their bumbling inelegance and unsubtlety made that necessity a pleasure.

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I play as an Alchemist priestess of Azura! My character doesn't fight but rather hires others to protect her. She hasn't quite lived up to the typical Dovahkiin potential, valuing skills such as Restoration, Alchemy, Speech, Smithing and Enchanting! Quite simply i play as a regular person! My character is by no means a good fighter, she can't cast devastating destruction spells nor is she a master swordsman. She makes her living travelling from town to town selling her enchanted swords and potions and making new friends. She has a small team of mercernaries who follow her around to protect her from the many horrors she faces. She can use a bow, but she uses it primarily for hunting dear and elk. She was born in Cyrodiil and is descended from my oblivion character. She was travelling north to skyrim when her merchant Carrovan was attacked. She managed to make it to a nearby camp, only to be arrested along with it's stormcloak inhabitants. Now she is off to live out her days as a traveling merchant in skyrim! ^)^
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my first character... female, dunmer: Katriin Valeugu


she was born in the imperial city 30 years before the thalmor war. her parents were retainers for house Redoran before morrowind was decimated by redmountian & the argonian invasion. her parents gave her a traditional tutelage in the solder's art, and she became a mildly well known mercenary. when she was at the age of 30 the dominion invaded the imperial province and she fought for the empire on a contract basis.

When the thalmor sacked the imperial city she was critically wounded & nearly killed, her family was killed, however. With the chaos in the city after the invasion the imperial army claimed they had misplaced her contract, & her personal information so they couldn’t pay her (which may or may not be the case), on top of that her room in the tiber septim hotel was looted & everything she owned was gone. Now, having not a spare coin to pay for proper treatment she was forced to deal with substandard care (and in no condition to argue), and her injuries took a decade to heal to an acceptable degree.

After spending a decade in hospice recovering, she had found her skills degraded and she decided to retire. 20 years later she finds herself arrested in skyrim.


---edit typo

Edited by Invisible Man
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I want to see someone's elderly Dovahkiin, that would be different...


well, my 2nd character is old for an ancient civilization i suppose.


Markus McFayde, Nord Male, 58 years of age.

served the order of the dragon as a knight protector (as did his father, and his father's father), and also served as a captain among the eighth legion during the Thalmor War. After the 8th was crushed and the imperial forces retook the imperial city he lost his taste for fighting and retired in a modest dwelling in the imperial city. He married, his wife had 2 boys, and they led a fairly quiet life… until about 28 years later thalmor judicators (or however their spelled) murdered his wife for suspected talos warship (without evidence as per usual, or so I hear), after his wife was cut down his two sons fought the thalmor soldiers barehanded and were of course run-through for their trouble. after one year of formal protest after protest falling on deaf ears markus found himself returning to his hometown, oddly enough it was helgen. However he was caught by imperial troops while he was crossing the border. Even though he had his issues with the empire (made larger still by his would-be execution), he was still a legion man at heart. So he signed up once more. He’d be damned if he let the birthplace of tiber septim’s empire be pulled from said empire by a self-serving arrogant *place expletive here* who was using talos’s own name to do it.

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My current character, Carli, is a wide eyed country girl just coming to grips with her place in the world and has no idea of the perils and hardships she will face.


She's currently chilling in Whiterun and serving as my lovely and talented assistant while I mod armor and clothing befitting a Dovakhin.

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Anchot Oedehel, sometime trader and warrior from around the Bruma region often travelled from Bruma to the Riften area and calls this region home. However the civil war in Skyrim leaves him no choice but to try and defend his Nord heritage in whatever way he can, and so travels to Skyrim through the mountains from Bruma. However he is captured by an Imperial patrol which joins up with another that has captives with it on its way to Helgen......
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