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'Draek' is one of many of the aliases of a Bosmer and master thief known through most parts of Cyrodiil. He had killed and stolen quite a bit, and lived in riches in several small hideouts where he stockpiled and sold his wealth. He is deadly accurate with the bow, a reputable swordsman, and a master alchemist who used many poisons to his advantage. He is famous for paralyzing his victims or slipping toxic substances into their purses. At one point, he was discovered and made a frantic escape due north, where he attempted to cross the border into Skyrim. He was soon captured in an Imperial ambush, along with a group of Stormcloaks and Ulfric Stormcloak himself. Having lost much of his old cunning and strength, Draek was introduced to the war in Skyrim. He decided to start over there, taking a side in the war and offering to help the citizens of Skyrim. Whilst putting all his old skills to good use killing bandits and aiding the Imperial Legion, Draek quickly discovered that he was capable of Shouting...
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Gurak Battlehorn is an orc with some nord blood in him. He's a descendent of my Oblivion character Ulgurt and Mazoga. He grew up in Battlehorn castle, the second son of its Lord. He was a member in good standing of the Fighters Guild and the Arena, but never felt like he fit in. He longed to be a "real orc" and to follow the old ways. He, loathed the idea of being subservient to his brother and so challenged his father to combat, to prove he was a more worthy successor. During the combat, his berserk rage overtook him and he slew his father. He then had to flee. Gurak made his way north hoping to find an orc stronghold to live in. He was of course caught at the border!

He currently lives in Urosh Yal stronghold. ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13940 ) with his 4 wives.

He's a morally ambiguous guy. He despises weakness in men, but will go out of his way to avoid killing all but the most evil women.(Grelad, Astrid, ect ) Any insult to him or his family will be met with a mace to the face!

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My current play through is a blind elf who has been trained to see the world through magic; as such he sees the world quite differently than we do. He is an orphan raised and trained in combat and magic by a redguard ex - Blade. He and the Blade become infamous bounty hunters and monster killers for years throughout Tamriel. This is until the day the ex-Blade is betrayed and murdered by a "friend" and a group of Thalmor assassins.

My elf sets out alone to find the traitor and the Thalmor, which finally leads him into Skyrim, where his true destiny begins......

Edited by lashingtong
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Blakc Rose is a Kahjiit female who runs around Skyrim steailng cheese and gold. She is not intrested to fight a war, she will just wait till the stupid humans have killed each other and then she will seduce the winner and rule the world! And if that fails she will just loot the dead boddies on the battlefield. She don't have that much moral or compassion, she just do what she likes and what pays most. She has quit a violent past; her parents died when she was young. After that she joind a banditgang where she learnd to fight and steal, and it is these skills she uses today.


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My argonian was a slave maid to house Hlaalu until being freed by who I would only later learn was the Nerevarine, got lost wandering in Vvardenfell and caught Corprus, begged anyone that would listen for help and was told Divayth Fyr would let me stayed in the Corprusarium, threw myself upon the old wizard's mercy and was allowed to stay, became very insane, got cured of Corprus by Divayth Fyr around 3E 429, left Vvardenfell for Blackmarsh by boat to Morrowind, got arrested in Morrowind for murdering a darkelf I thaught was a slaver and sent to the Imperial prison in Cyrodill for 20 year, and even think I got to see the Emperor walk through the dungeon on his last day in life, broke from imprisonment in 3E 433 during the call of the hist, and made it home to Blackmarsh and helped fight off the daedra, at the end of the oblivion crisis found family had either all been taken as slaves in morrowind and had not escaped or had died in the oblivion crisis, left home and acted as a wandering mercenary in blackmarsh and later morrowind and finally in Cyrodill before hearing of oppertunity in Skyrim in 4E 200, got caught trying to cross the border by Imperials and still having a bounty on me for prison escaping as well as several acts of murder and banditry, was knocked out bound and thrown on a wagon...


That is my characters backstory.

Edited by rarborman
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  • 2 months later...

My character is a Dunmer named Xalyas Ilyrion. He was born in Morrowind, year 4E 165. His story starts on the ash-covered shores of Vvardenfell, in a small Dunmer camp. His mother was a member of House Telvanni, his father a soldier, stationed in Mournhold. He lived in that camp with his mother, barely scraping by to survive. It was 10 years later that he saw his mother dead in the camp, killed by Reavers. After that, he set out into the world, only having tattered robes and a small dagger to protect himself. After a year of travelling, in 4E 176, he reached Skyrim. Seeing how cold it was, he continued his journey for another year, eventually reaching Cyrodiil. There, he found the town of Bruma, where he was taken in by a kindly Nord family, who he lived with in peace and prosper for the next 20 years. The father in the family, named Sarrod Snow-Storm, was an experienced fighter, and he trained Xalyas for battle as days passed. One day, to test him, he took the young Dunmer to the woods, where they stumbled upon two Ogres sitting around a fire. He and Sarrod both charged in, but one of the Ogres overwhelmed Sarrod, killing him. Driven by anger, Xalyas took Sarrod's warhammer and charged in to kill the Ogres. He swung the hammer as hard as he could, breaking one of the Ogres' legs. The Ogre fell to the ground, a chance for Xalyas to hit him right in the head and kill him. The other Ogre was now a problem, but Xalyas took his old bow, given to him by his father, and shot the Ogre right in the heart, killing him. He then took the heads of the Ogres and ventured back to Bruma. He knew he couldn't stay in Bruma, so he broght the heads to the Nord family, and told them what happened. After, he traveled north. It was 4E 200 now. He was crossing the border to Skyrim, just at the break of the new year, 201. There, he was ambushed by some Imperial soldiers, who then arrested him and put him in a carriage along with a few other prisoners. They reached the small village of Helgen, where they were to be executed. Just when Xalyas was about to be executed, a dragon attacks...


That's my character's backstory.

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My current character is an Ashlander from Vvardenfell. The harsh conditions there have driven him to freelancing and adventuring.


He may visit family in the relatively new Ashlands of Solstheim, when suitable transport becomes available. :3

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Eykthain Rightain - 50 years old


Eykthain was born in Skyrim, his parents, General Eyrevehn Rightain and his wife, Camilla Rightain was killed when he was 17 years old by Stormcloaks, therefore he has a bitter hatred of Ulfric and his Stormcloaks. Eykthain was out hunting when it happened, he found his childhood home destroyed, only the floor was left untouched.


He decided to join the Legion, but he did not ride on his fathers fame, he worked from the ground up. Becoming a skilled warrior and feared soldier. After a few years General Tullius decided that Eykthain should leave the Legion, he believed that Eykthain fought for them just so that he could get revenge. That was only partially true. He wanted revenge, but he was smarter than that. Revenge could wait, he had a duty towards his people, the Dunmers had suffered long enough. He believes that all races should be welcome in Skyrim, even Kahjiits. Tullius believed what he said and Eykthain was allowed to stay.


He and Jordis met when Eykthain was on a visit to the Blue Palace in Solitude, since he was wearing an Amulet of Mara, he was unresistable to her and they became a couple. Short thereafter they married and moved to Riften. Because of his newfound love, he quit his military service, to be able to take care of his wife and their child that was about to be born.



Eireen Rightain - 18 years old


The child arrived and it was a girl, Eireen became her name, she looked like Jordis, but also like Eykthain, a grey Jordis with elf ears. Being around his family and caring for his daughter made Eykthain lose his anger and hatred(a little). Jordis and Eykthain trained Eireen in the ways of combat that they both knew well. She succeded them both. One day when she was 15 a boy teased her until she screamed at him and he fell into a well. Jordis was not worried(well, she was a bit worried about the boy, after all, it was a deep well). She had read about the ancient hero, Dragonborn, the hero that would rid the land of Dragons. But that it were to be her own daughter, she could hardly believe it. The Rightains decided to keep her abilities a secret, they did not want to destroy the life they had. Sadly, Jordis knew that it would not last, because one day the Greybeards would find out about her daughter and the tranquility would be gone for years and years to come...



Such is the story of my 2 characters, Eykthain Rightain and Eireen Rightain.

Edited by Niborino9409
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Cailean is a good kid, always bright and cheerful, wanting to help others in any way he can. His family didn't care for the politics of High Rock, wanting to stay out of the insane rat's nest that was their nobility as much as possible. It eventually progressed to the point where the family packed up and decided to move. Winterhold seemed like a preferable choice, in spite of the Great Collapse; the size of the town remaining didn't matter to them, it was small and remote, out of the way and away from their old worries, and the College would have been the perfect opportunity to get Cailean out of the house and doing something with his life besides help around the house. They booked passage on a ship, but the ship never made it. The wind blowing over the Sea of Ghosts was colder than usual for that time of year, navigating the ice treacherous, and what would have been a safe move to avoid an iceberg turned into a sudden disaster as a sheet of ice cut into the hull of the ship like a knife through paper.


Cailean's parents were the first to be lost beneath the frigid waves as the boat was cut in half, and it seemed only by divine intervention that he was thrown safely overboard onto the same sheet of ice that caused such a sudden loss of so many lives. It was a long way from shore still, the boat lost somewhere near Dawnstar, but with the drift of the ice, there was no telling where he eventually ended up before making the very bad decision to try swimming to shore. The icy water stung like a thousand daggers as he tried to keep his body heat up through physical activity, to no real avail. He could feel the sand of the shore beneath his soggy boots before he blacked out from exhaustion and the cold. He woke up a week later in the care of the College of Winterhold, his intended destination, but not nearly how he planned on getting there.

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Well last thing I remember clearly before finding myself in bounds riding a cart along with a bunch of barbarians is drinking a few "Void Blaster" cocktails.

Can't remember anything about who I am or how I ended up there but must have one awesome trip. Everybody out here seems to want to kill me but I've been lucky so far (Skooma and Mead have played their part too).

Don't know what a "Void Blaster" is? Well its the strongest drink in existence.....nobody knows for sure where it originated but I seem to remember a wise soul once telling me (after having had a few "Void Blasters") that the original recipe came from the primordial deity Anu who created it to combat his anti-thesis Padomay.

Where did I get the recipe? Well I traded it from a shady and shoddy looking Khaijit trader going by the name of Growlmeowp ' Uss for a couple of sweet rolls. I share it for free -

1) Take 1 tankard of triple distilled Cyrodillic Brandy

2) Add 2 spoon fulls of Moon Sugar (large spoon preferably)

3) Add 10 drop Chaurus poison

4) Add 1 Skeever Tail

5) Add 1 Daedra Heart

6) Add 3 tankards of water from the Sea of Ghosts

7) Filter it through a mixture of Fire Salts, Volcanic Ash from Vardenfell and Bone Meal (bones of Argonians only)

8) Have a hot Altmer Chick cast Frostbite Spell for 10 seconds (will not work if she is not hot)

9) Think about the void, about eternity, of your own (puny) existence in an infinte cosmos.....sip slowly (and carefully)

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