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Use Objects while in combat


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Could someone please make a mod where even if you're in combat (enemies nearby) you can still use chairs and smelters, forges, and even sleep if you want to while in combat. that of course wouldn't be a good idea naturally because they'll kill you while you sleep and it'd be game over. but if i want to make that decision thats mine to make.


For instance lets say i'm raiding a dungeon my followers are doing quite well in killing everything for me and i find a chair or throne or something to sit on. i want to sit down and watch my followers kill the threats in the room, but i can't do that because "I'm in combat". a mod that removes this completely stupid thing from the game would be lovely.


and this would also fix that whole a random wolf in the Reach is preventing you from sitting down in a chair in Winterhold because you're in combat with the bloody thing. >:/ Somehow?? i just want to be able to use chairs while in combat, not ACTIVE combat mind that would be dumb but if I'M not being attacked and my followers/summons are drawing all the aggro currently i should be able to use whatever the hell i want.


Please and thank you.

Edited by Swordsguy2010
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