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Can I Get a Complete List of what console resurrect on self does?


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So, if I use console resurrect on myself, it's been fixing some issues I've been having. (Link here if you care: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/808800-my-main-character-cant-lootinteract-with-dragon-corpses-or-serana/page__gopid__6479111#entry6479111) But once I reload, things are broken again. I know console resurrect on self clears all your active effects, but if I manually re add all of mine, the fix still stays until reload. So, what else does it clear/do? Obviously one of the things it does is the source of my problem, so I'd like to know what.


TL;DR - Please giive me a full list of what the resurrect console command does when used on the player besides clearing active effects. K thnx

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