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A script to change from NIFa to NIFb


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I need a script to continue my work on my Musket Mod. Since it's not working to animate it using the normal havok system (crossbow skeleton doesn't fit) i have to think outside the box, so this is what i imagine:


Create the rifle as a crossbow weapon slot (rifle.nif), create the reload mechanism (bolt+handle) as a new armor slot (A.nif). Equip both nif files to complete the weapon. When i shoot or reload the script changes to B.nif that starts with a reload animation that is stored inside the nif, when i shoot again it re-equips B.nif again to play the reload animation once again.




Or the whole thing with only 2 nif files. rifle.nif and one nif with an animated bolt handle that is re-equipped each time i shoot or reload.


I could imagine that something like this would work, the Dwemer Mechanical Blade Mod comes with such a script. It's a hidden blade, when you equip the weapon it uses NIF0 (blade hidden along the arm ) and when you draw the weapon it changes to NIF1 (starts with animation to reveal the blade), when you press R to put the weapon away it changes back to NIF0, that starts with an animation to retract the blade.




But i don't want to change the whole weapon since this would start with a equip animation and repositioning so i want to create an own nif (as standalone armor slot) for the reload mechanism...might turn off the equip animation and adjust the rest but i think the above mentioned version would be better.


But i have no big clue 'bout scripts, so if someone could create such a script for me i would prepare a new plugin/nif. Otherwise i have to create it myself, this would take 100 times longer than for someone that is familiar with scripting and delay the mod for quite a long time...so help is much apprectiated, i will credit you of course, link to your channel on youtube, mention you in my videos, name my first born son after you and bath your dog twice a week.



Edited by ghosu
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