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Hello, I've been working with the creation kit for quite some time and I finally decided that I wanted to import my own meshes into Skyrim.


While I've managed to import the mesh, the texture won't show up in the creation kit itself.


I have tried converting the fbx files in 3DS max to .nif, if I do that they are fully textured, however they will appear as a large error mark in the creation kit. So are there some essential properties I have to add in NifSkope or can I somehow bypass this tedious process?


I could also mention that I'm trying to import trees, which seem to be different from weapons and armor that most tutorials show.

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You just imported your meshes to 3DsMax and exported as nif, no fine tuning / adjustments in NifSkope? Because you have to change/add some things to make it useable for Skyrim. I would recommend to upload .nif + .dds textures so someone might check 'em.



Edited by ghosu
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You just imported your meshes to 3DsMax and exported as nif, no fine tuning / adjustments in NifSkope? Because you have to change/add some things to make it useable for Skyrim. I would recommend to upload .nif + .dds textures so someone might check 'em.




Thanks for the quick reply, here are the mesh and its texture:




I haven't just tried the aforementioned way, I also tried following the exact steps explained here:



however upon importing the mesh in the creation kit it just appears as a red warning sign, no errors shown.

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Well i didn't even try to load it in the CK since the nif looks a bit weird, just compare it to a regular static clutter object:




I would recommend to choose a similar object (so you can use its collision object as well), delete the original NiTriShapeData, copy/paste your NiTriShapeData into the original .nif as replacer and just redirect the texture paths, make it standalone in the CK afterwards...yours links to .tif, not .dds files btw.

Edited by ghosu
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