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Changed Combat and Qst Sounds. Will be a problem


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So I've changed the Combat music and quest begin/complete sounds in my mod. This now will effect the entire game when player finishes my mod and I do believe, in fact certain, that it will change the music even with mod just being loaded.

Is there a way around this or should I just not go there?

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I know how to get round the combat music problem, not the quest start/complete one.

Don't over-write any vanilla combat music, I'd say.

Instead, add your looping music as new music.

In the quest that your combat music is to be played, add the music as a property, either into a new script that you add to the quest, or below the fragment scripts in the script that gets generated for the quest.

Then at the point that combat starts and finishes, you need fragments to start and stop your music. Could be done in a quest stage, or in the start or end fragments of dialogue. I guess it could be done in a scene, either.

The best quests to look at for how to set this up are the civil war quests. That's how Bethesda went about it.

If the combat is not during a quest, you would need to trigger the music start and stop some other way, such as adding a script to the enemy and having events trigger the starting and stopping such as:

Event OnCombatStateChanged(Actor akTarget, int aeCombatState)

and Event OnDying(Actor akKiller)


The first could be used to start the music when the actor enters combat and the second to stop it when the player's defeated them.


I'll have a think about the quest start/complete, at the moment nothing springs to mind!

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