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rocket distance


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a lot of seemingly "odd" choices are there for legitimate gameplay reasons. grenade range and rocket range being two key ones.


I for one would be very interested in knowing whether their 'legitimate gameplay reasons' are quite as legitimate as you and they seem to think they are. It's all well and good to say that "it's the way it is for a reason," and then clam up about it, but that's not good enough. I want to know what those reasons are and evaluate them on my own, and if they're not satisfactory to me, then surprise surprise, I'm going to complain about them and suggest it be changed.


Rocket distances are too short - period.


I would *prefer* to know why grenade distances are as short as they are. Having had personal experience with hand grenades in the service, the throwing distance seems incredibly short.


In fact, our rookie soldiers, hailed in game as "some of the finest troops on earth" all seem disgustingly lacking in ability - and I don't mean just vs the aliens. I mean on their own, they seem more or less like they don't know what they're doing. Their lack of intestinal fortitude and inability to hit a stationary exposed target regularly concerns me greatly. Their inability to hurl a small spherical weapon designed to explode after 3 seconds concerns me more - those things have minimum safe distance recommendations for a reason.

Edited by Insufferable Smartypants
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changing the irange to 100 didn't even change the rocket range that I could see.


I've changed it to 34 and it works great for me... I can fire rockets right in that sweet spot so the outside of the blast is juuuust inside my sight range.


Maybe you changed it too high? Try somewhere between 30-34. Also, its worth mentioning that you should determine whether or not your mod is actually being loaded or if you need to run steam in offline mode.




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