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Skyrim crashing


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I know there are like a billion posts on this but im having issues launching skyrim ill get the logo and then it crashes. I have installed mods and i have run BOSS.



the mods im running are


WARZONES: Civil Unrest

Deadly Dragons

Better Blacksmithing

Capes for Armors



Im running windows 7 with an nvidia gtx 590 amd phenom 2 black edition processor and 12 gigs of ddr3 ram.


if you need more info let me know.

oh and i didnt see any errors on boss but that may be where i was looking

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Then the only thing to do is disable all the mods, then re-enable them one at a time (and try to start Skyrim each time) until you find the offending mod. Once you do that, search through the comments section of that particular mod...or contact that mod's author.


One other thought; do you have Dawnguard and/or Hearthfire? Some mods conflict with them.

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