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Fallout NV Uses Very Low RAM Despite A Lot Free?


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Hey guys,


For some reason my game NEVER runs above around 1.5 or 1.6 Gigs of RAM. I don't know why this is, I've tried running the 4g option, I've tried using CFF Explorer to remove the 2gig limit, I've tried eliminating a lot of unused programmes to free up RAM, I've tried setting its priority in the Task Manager to very high, and the game still only runs at around 1-1.5g of resources, despite there being another 2gig RAM free while the game is running. This is annoying, because I encounter a lot of stuttering and the occasional CTD or freeze during loading or entering resource-intensive areas, even on relatively benign settings.


I'm running Windows 7 64 Bit with 8gig RAM, a quadcore 2.2ghz with a Radeon HD 5770 graphics card on deck. My resolution is 1980*1080.


Any ideas are appreciated.

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might be of more help to you OP and look at this lines function " iPreloadSizeLimit " ( Fallout notepad ) might be the key .


While it didn't boost the amount of RAM utilised, I'm getting much better performance upon increasing the preload size limit in the New Vegas Configator. Thanks for the helpful feedback Davy (unlike the useless first comment).

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