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thank u, its working now. in the end the problem was me deleting to many uncompressed files and me having put the xshape in the wrong folder.

I ran into the same problem as well. Just in case anyone else has the same problem, the "main game folder" referred to in post #1 of this thread where you need to extract the XSHAPE archive into is (your equivalent of) C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown. So, it's NOT the folder where XComGame.exe is located, which was what I originally thought.

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Idk if its the new patch/DLC but trying to use xshape with selective recruitment crashes my game with this message:


Ambiguous package name: Using 'C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\steamapps\Xcom-Enemy-Unknown\XComGame\CookedPCConsole\unpacked\XComGame.upk', not 'C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XComGame\CookedPCConsole\XComGame.upk'


Edit, i restored my backup and put the uncompressed back in and it still does this.


I'm in the process of varifying steam cache to fix and try again, no idea what went wrong though.


Edit2: ok that didn't even work, now i have to reinstall.

Edited by Puerkl8r
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Have you removed or renamed corresponding uncompressed_size file?




When i restore the old files that error still pops up but the game launches rather than crashes.


EDIT: figured it out, you cant leave the decompressed folder laying around in your cookedPCConsole folder

Edited by Puerkl8r
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Hey XShapers.


I have been working on a more efficient version of xshape so as to make it more user friendly and multi purpose. These improvements will be taken into XCMM. This is a showcase of the capability of some of the library's I have been working on for XCMM and other work.




Improvements. Requires java 7.


  2. GUI for novice users
  3. GUI pop up for console settings when run by other processes.
  4. Can be run via command line with a -x
  5. Removed the need to specify which byte to start at.
  6. Added ability for XShape to only try shaping upk files which are stored in the exe.
  7. Added ability to specify which files to patch through config.xml.
  8. XShape will only attempt to shape files which are decompressed.
  9. No need to specify which files to shape. The implementation will shape any decompressed file as long as it is in the list: as above.
  10. Fast. Pinpoints locations using Horspool's algortihm for text search: converted to search for bytes and pin points staring location using the PE file headers built into an exe with a parser I wrote myself.
  11. Can XShape all files in exe from default setup. Still fast.



Does not do the extra things original XShape.bat does. Does not decompress files or organise files for modding. This is a pure XShaping tool.


Needs extra testing.

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For those who cannot get their JRE to work. Try this. It is Java portable made for portable apps program. (love it) It can go anywhere you want it to go.




To get it to run xshape you also need the Portable app java executor extension in the same place you saved Java Portable.




To test this I "broke" all of my java path settings and JRE installation folders by renaming them and could not run any java programs.

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  • 4 months later...

Hello there,


I've encoutered an error while trying to run patcher.bat

Says to me "Exception in thread "main" java.io.FileNotFoundException : XcomGame\PcConsoleTOC.txt (specified access path is nowhere to be found)


I've checked my game directory, the file is there.

I run patcher.bat from the Xcom enemy unknown\Binaries\Win32 directory, could this be related to the error or is it right ?


Thank you by advance :)

Edited by Appolyon13
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I believe that XSHAPE needs to be run from the root XCOM directory.


However, other recent developments have rendered it unnecessary to run XSHAPE any longer. Following this post : http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/802574-finding-the-first-step/page-21&do=findComment&comment=7871085 it is possible to make simple edits to the executable to prevent the game from performing SHA checks on files.


Simply look for the strings "xcomgame.upk" and "xcomstrategygame.upk" in the executable using a hex editor and change them to some other string.


The current version of ToolBoks is now using this -- I think it changes "xcom" to "bcom" in both of those files as well as "xcomshell.upk".


I'm not sure if this is currently in the "getting started modding" tutorial on the wiki or not ... though it probably should be ^_^

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I'm not sure if this is currently in the "getting started modding" tutorial on the wiki or not ... though it probably should be ^_^


Not yet, but it will be. :cool: Though I won't remove any current mention of XSHAPE, just in case we either find another need for it or someone needs an alternative.


Edit: Done.



Edited by dubiousintent
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