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Mods no longer working


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So I have 59 mods running not including ESM's. And even more if I were to count my texture packs.


As of late I made my own mod that edits Serana to look..."better". I activate the ESP and go in game to test it. The damn thing doesn't work half the time. I have to launch Skyrim through Steam, choose the data file option, deactivate my mod, drag it down to the bottom of the list, then launch Skyrim. Then it works.


But if I use NMM to do the same thing, it won't work. And using SKSE of course won't work.


Other then that i'm noticing a few other mods that won't show up for whatever reason. I'm wondering is it to many mods running so they cancel eachother? Or is it something more...


I should also note that when I go into the data file option, my mod moves back to where it was originally. That might be adding to my issue...idk.

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A few ideas;


You may have another mod attempting to edit the same records, body replacers might be a likely culprit... depends on exactly what you edited. Whichever mod loads last wins.


Are you using a Bashed Patch or something similar? If so, try rebuilding it. If not, it may help.


I haven't used NMM, but Wrye Bash has a feature called "lock times" that prevents changes to load order. Perhaps NMM has something similar, and you have it enabled.


As far as the other mods not showing, you say that you aren't running the game thru SKSE... are they SKSE dependant?


The mod moving back to it's previous spot makes sense though, i don't think that the data files option was really designed as a load-ordering tool. And even if it was, if you have some sort of "lock times" feature set NMM would move it back on it's own.

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When you first create a new esp in the CK, it automatically appears at the very end of the load order when you load NMM. If your esp isn't at the bottom, and you didn't move it after you created it, then you must have something else that's determining the load order. Do you use BOSS? Is it possible you inadverently named your esp file something identical to another esp file that's in the BOSS masterlist? There are a ton of "make Serana pretty" mods out there.


Another possibility is that you somehow created your mod as an esm rather than an esp, in which case it will get moved near the top of the mod list automatically. It is completely possible for a mod to have the esp extension but actually still be a master esm file. It'll be under Skyrim esm and Update esm (and any other esm mods you have) but before all the esp files. If that's what happened it would also explain why some of your other mods stop working. The Serana mod (as an esm) is overriding them because it's a master file.


Can you post your load order, including your mod, in the position that it keeps reverting to? Where it keeps ending up in the load order should give us a big clue as to what's putting it there.

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