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Hey there, I am bamff13, or bamff, or brett, or I could throw out a list of aliases I've been referred to as over Internets.

As for games that have a more direct link to this site, I play fo3 fonv, skyrim and have dragon age 2 and the witcher 2 installed but haven't really gotten around to playing much so far.


A few interesting things about me;

1- I'm either a girl or extremely gay, so expect to get hit on when talking to me.

2- I try to be a nice and help full person whenever possible, but sometimes I can get carried away in the heat of things and for this I would like to apologize to any one I may offend ahead of time.

3- I'm one wacky mother f***er. get used to it.

4- I might also be a duck.

5- I like meeting new people and chatting, add me on aim; bamffjsp@aim


that will be all for now


Questions? areas of concern? feel free ask.


/e #1. I am an amateur graphics artist, if you are looking for a signature feel free to ask and I will try to make one for you if time permits.

Edited by bamff13
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