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Large downloads often fail, forcing restart


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When downloading large files from the nexus (1GB+), I am often getting the download failed, with a 410 error, and restarting the download either doesn't work, or forces the whole file to be downloaded again.


I live in Canada


My IP address is


My Ping to the Nexus CDN is between 100-170ms


I am downloading from https://premium-files.nexus-cdn.com

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Hi there,


Are you pausing and restarting the download? The only reason for a 410 error to appear would be you started the download on one CDN server, then changed to a server that does not yet have that file and resumed. It can take a little bit of time for new, large files to be available on all servers.


If not there may be an issue at your ISP.

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Okay, now I'm noticing that download progress is sometimes going BACKWARDS. A download that has 1.5gb downloaded will suddenly have only 500mb downloaded.

Again, this is only happening with Nexus.


If it's going backwards, it has to be a problem on your PC as that's impossible.


Have you tried downloading from different Premium servers? When you download manually the right side of the modal has buttons for the different nodes in our CDN. I would suggest trying the LA and Miami ones to see if either is better.

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I was originally downloading from the CDN, when I switched to a premium server, it downloaded normally.


As for it "going backwards", that's a misnomer. What was likely happening was it was switching from server to server or something, and it "forgot" where the download was, so it moved back to an earlier segment.

Like when steam sometimes forgets a game download after a computer crash.

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