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Follower doesn't walk, instead teleports (drags) towards me.


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well I did tell you I purged the saved file, what ever was in it is gone, that means a lot of stuff that was caught in it is no longer there.

as far as the detection thing, you can comment that script out ( ; ) and disable it in the header of the scripts in tesedit.


I don't believe in a no win scenario , Neither should you.

It is your test, this is where you pull up your boot straps and make changes so you can determine who is screwing up what and where.


No, you do NOT need to start over due to some crazy scripted event.

If Requiem is the problem? then disable it and continue to follow up and your path of detection.


Don't let things side tract you. keep going.

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Okay I was able to find the messagebox in xedit (Requiem.esp (0761848A) \ Message \ 119715CA <REQ_Message_Setup_NewGameRequired>) I just need to know how to disable it

I would need to install the exact data, the downloaded software exactly what you installed and look at it.

Some mod authors write the scripts in such a way that some times it's impossible to disable things, your best bet is to disable the mod, or copy that very string to a new plugin / esp file name and save it.

rename it to the master files name, edit it and remove the master Requiem from IT's header and save it.


Thus replacing the main mod with a blank file "empty" so you can load any other saved game file to check data flow.

The point is, you need to find out what is the cause of the frigid actions taking place. The test cleaned saved game file will remain on my google drive for you if things get too messed up.


You focus on an objective., your load order is a laundry list that's has way too much data for me to sift through, but this manner of diagnostics is faster on your side.


I want you to think outside of the box. Your goal is to determine the who and what and where this bug is coming from.

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Okay, heres what I did:


- I moved all the files except the esps from my requiem folder

- I loaded the purged save and met up with Anum-la

- Made her my follower, the bug did not happen!


What can we do with this information?

Ok, no bug moment, current saved game is clean and it;s a test saved game file Known to be good, and you have tested a main mod.

Now, Due to the way Mod is designed, you an choose the amount of other plugin's to add, 2 at a time and test in game.


Testing these mods as you add them back into the game needs to be a transitional method, what that means is you test each addition by transitioning between cells , exterior to interior and back out...OR from one location to another and back. then exit if no game bug occurs, repeat the process.



IF you have removed things other than plugin's please clarify what?


Do you mean you removed Loose files?

you understand?

Edited by Purr4me
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You will continue the process lacking extra data until a crash occurs or some other strange thing happens that may require the loose files, to be sure just load plugins less their respective data.


Most mods will simply load default code in place of custom data.

IF you manage to obtain all of these plugins regardless of what the game looks like, then you know the bug is in an animated/ *.nif/ Or texture file somewhere in the mess.


Your looking for a needle is a large haystack and you will find it.

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