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When I loaded the purged save all the plugins were active, I just removed the loose files from the Requiem folder so that the esp would still be there but it wouldn't send me back to the main menu

you mean there's a script that is in loose file format?

The written script-in the plugin should be the item doing that.

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I dont know if its that, since if had those files in the folder (Im not sure if im using the term "loose files" correctly") it wouldnt let me check due to it forcing me to go back to the main menu

Edited by Serkonos
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It would make the most sense for this to be a Requiem bug since the plugin.dlls which are highly recommended for a bug-free experience in requiem have yet to be ported for SE. And since Requiem was to only file not properly loaded in the purged save (Im feeling stupid for stating the obvious but whatever) it would have to be somewhere in there.

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I dont know if its that, since if had those files in the folder (Im not sure if im using the term "loose files" correctly") it wouldnt let me check due to it forcing me to go back to the main menu

k, we are not understand the subject clearly, Loose files are anything other than the plugin.esp or esm files.

You said you removed all but the plugins from Requiem ?


To be precise what files were removed?---that allowed you not to have to reset back to the begin point?

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It would make the most sense for this to be a Requiem bug since the plugin.dlls which are highly recommended for a bug-free experience in requiem have yet to be ported for SE. And since Requiem was to only file not properly loaded in the purged save (Im feeling stupid for stating the obvious but whatever) it would have to be somewhere in there.

Your not stupid.

never put your self down, bug's are bugs and are no one's fault, they are just bugs.

Secondly yes, it's afact ported content is really a hard thing t deal with as for SSE is concerned.


Too many things break the game from old rim being ported and steam is constantly changing things making it all worse.


ERGO the very reason I remain with Direct default game files and choose not to use fix it mods because you can't fix stuff the company is breaking on the fly.


you can not hurt a default game file setup.


Tell ya what, get me the link to this mod that was ported?

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downloading it now, takes a bit of time, the CDN is really slow ! lol


When I get this installed, I will tell you to remove the *.zip file then


EDIT: Ok delete the file in the post above, I have it.

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Vanilla Textures

Recompiling the plugin. it's all wrong. It's targeting not only old rim stuff that is not even in the games software but also the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Path esp file---as a master file.


The port is bad, gonna try and report it correctly. at least give it a shot.


Edited by Purr4me
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