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Vault 111 Elevator Frame Missing


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Holy crap! That's a BIG hole!

Wow, when you said it was missing, I thought you meant that it was invisible, or that something had removed it. Not left a CRATER where it's supposed to be!

Ummmm, a console command isn't gonna fix THAT.


It doesn't look like it's a mesh problem. And it definitely isn't a texture problem. If it was a bad file in the cell, I dunno if your game would load that cell. You've got a file somewhere that has set that area to be like that. I'd look first at any mods that redo the area around the exterior of the vault, first. Then go over any mods that affect your character start up, like alternate start mods.

I'd also recommend rebooting your computer, and disable all mods. I mean, ALL mods.

Go in to your Documents folder in the My Games/Fallout 4 folder, and backup all of your save games. After you COPY them to a new location on your computer, start up a fresh character to see if the issue (wow, that's an understatement!) persists. If it's still there, since you have backups, delete all your saves, and try again. This will tell you if the problem is baked into your saves or not and whether or not it's a mod that's doing it.

IF its still there, I would start enabling the suspected mods one by one, and reload the cell in game. As in, go to a different area first, then come back via fast travel so that it loads the cell.

IF it still goes like that, even with everything inactive, I'd try a new mod that alters the outside of the vault. Like https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/29678 at the bottom of your load order. That will tell you if the cell is ruined by a mod or not.

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Is there no mod that just adds in that item as a placeable thing? Cause that'd fix it too, it doesn't seem to be any problems besides that item being gone

Fraid not. You have some serious texture problems there. First thing first. Have you verified you game files. May not do it, but it is the simplest and quickest thing to do. If, not then as StormWolf mentioned, deactivate all mods and check to see if it is a mod.




Sometimes a mod in the wrong place can wreak havoc, this from experience. I am not the smartest cookie when it comes to the makeup of mods, but I am learning.

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