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Cant get ENB depth of field blur


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I am trying to play with my enb setting to get the depth of field blur, like when you focus on an object and the surrounding area gets that cool blur effect but nothing is happening for me.


I use an ATI graphics card so I adjusted the settings recommended by Staind716 here to see if I would see any changes, but no :confused:


I am using Project MATSO ENB and I can see some changes especially the saturation so I know the game is finding it.


What am I doing wrong then? Do I need to toggle some settings under [sSAO_SSIL]? I'm not 100% what this does but changed some values but got no noticeable changes :facepalm:

Edited by Ironman5000
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ATI, ENB, and DoF has always been sketchy, in my experience, especially with crossfire (dual ATI 5770s). Also, it reminds me of the world when I take off my glasses, I don't need that :wink:


I assume in the enbseries.ini (main skyrim folder) under section [EFFECTS] it has




Further settings (or not) under [DEPTHOFFIELD] section


I don't know the matso one, but depending on his tweaks the effect may be very subtle or just turned off by default, open the file

enbeffectprepass.fx (it's a text file, same folder)

and poke around for a bit.


And if you're going to fiddle with ENB settings, highly recommended to get ENB customizer



run customizer, run skyrim, esc to pause game, alt-tab to customizer, tweak settings and save, alt-tab to skyrim, continue game, backspace to reload settings. You can of course also manually tweak enbsettings.ini and do the same trick.

Edited by acidzebra
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Odd, and ENB is definitely running (that is, when you start skyrim you see "enb series [version]" blah in the top left corner for a while before it fades? (almost like a skyrim debug notice) - no notice, no ENB.


ps. I think the standard is set to 0.5 for fadetime. Not that it will matter much, just FYI.

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Errr never ran that ever. You grab the latest enb here http://enbdev.com/do...d_tesskyrim.htm dump the archive contents of the wrapper folder found in the archive in the skrim main folder. Then grab your matso archive and dump it in the main skyrim folder too, overwriting the original enbseries.ini and other files.

Not sure you're actually running enb right now :) Or you're doing something more advanced but i think you definitely need the main enb archive.

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The reason I had the Antifreeze patch was because I wasn't getting fire and magic effects with vanilla settings, when I install the latest ENB it DOES fix the dof problem but the bugs are back with some flashing lights :facepalm: The game just looks weird without fire! I really need something that fixes the missing effects while keeping the main ENB :unsure:
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Rock - you - hard place, eh?

Hmmm. Not sure what to tell you except enb does seem to do better with nvidia (perhaps we should send Boris an ATI card http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif)

Are you running the latest ATI drivers? May be worth checking.


I stopped running enb altogether in favor of imaginator and some other lightweight solutions but it may be worth it to try some older versions of ENb- for instance the .117 beta worked fine for me but the .119 was glitchy. (and you have followed the instructions for bfloatpointrendersettings=1 in skyrimprefs.ini etc - just checking)

Edited by acidzebra
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Tell me about it! It looks like it's the d3d9.dll file in the Antifreeze that made the fixes so it's not like I can just toggle ini settings to change anything. Also when I use the latest enb I get a significant fps drop...looks like my system isn't built to run skyrim + enb :wallbash:
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If there is a d3d9.dll in the antifreeze then yeah, that would be enb. So install enb, overwrite write antifreeze, overwrite with matso. Or try some other enbs - skyrealism enb evolved wad pretty nice. Maybe one of them will give better luck with dof.

You can toggle enb with shft+f12 - easy to check if its running or not.

I settled for godrays only enb for the pretty light-through-trees effects and imaginator for better color. Lightweight but pretty for my aging system. Maybe add dynavision if you want something like dof. Is not quite the same though.

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