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Ok, seriously... does anyone know the answer to this?


What have Bethesda got against spears? Surely they can't be a nightmare to code as a weapon?


I was quite confused as to why there were no spears/lances in Oblivion (at least, none that I ever found in my limited experience with the game), but now I can't find any spears in Fallout 3 either! None mentioned in the guide (except for a very cool concept art pic of a guy with a circular saw halberd!).


WHY no spears? They were even part of the story in Fallout 2!


One mod I'd love to see JUST because I don't understand why they aren't in the 'vanilla' game is a mod that adds spears to Fallout 3.


Make it so you can only stab (no throwing) if it's too hard (now that I think of it, no throwing knives either!), but at least let me carry and jab people with my sharp bit of stuff on the end of a stick! Cavemen enjoyed that pleasure many years ago, after all.

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The reason they took them out of Oblivion is because they weren't popular enough. Same thing with crossbows and throwing knives. Oh sure, there were plenty of people who made a big fuss over it, but they said that in their focus groups far more people talked about how they never used them.


I don't know if that has anything to do with why they aren't in Fallout 3 (at least, that I've found), but I do know that I for one loved using the spear in the original Fallout. It was one of my best weapons for a time at the beginning.

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That's REALLY the reason (and they actually said that)?! Wow! And I thought "axes are blunt" was dumb! :)


I don't really care about spears in Oblivion, they just seemed glaring by their absence, IMO, given the setting. Thanks for the answer, though... for years, it's bugged me trying to figure out why Oblivion = no spears! :)


In Fallout 3, on the other hand, it seems even more glaring though, since the spear was not just a common weapon in F1 and F2, but - I suspect - might be several people's nostalgic choice given the "Tribal" storyline of F2.


I'd say that given F3 appears to be pretty much an upgraded version of the Oblivion engine, they didn't want to go to the trouble of adding spears (although, that's still silly when you consider what else they DID have to add to the engine).

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What gets me is that I saw a website that stated that Fallout 3 had spears. After playing for I don't even know how many hours, I'm pretty sure they were wrong, and just assuming there would be because it was in the originals. However, I can't check without a CS. Maybe one of the modders around here could take a look and verify whether they are or are not in the game?
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Well here is the answer to all important question of why can people with plasma rifles not throw things besides grenades, it is because the oblivion engine does not support a weapon that is an object being thrown and doing damage, this is all to thanks because of the crappy physics engine that the game tries to make you think is awesome. Morrowind did not have a physics engine and was programed to be able to throw things and Fallout 1&2 both had throwing weapons it is though Bethesda is trying to corrupt what our sense of a good post apocalyptic game should and be and is.
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Well here is the answer to all important question of why can people with plasma rifles not throw things besides grenades, it is because the oblivion engine does not support a weapon that is an object being thrown and doing damage, this is all to thanks because of the crappy physics engine that the game tries to make you think is awesome. Morrowind did not have a physics engine and was programed to be able to throw things and Fallout 1&2 both had throwing weapons it is though Bethesda is trying to corrupt what our sense of a good post apocalyptic game should and be and is.


Exactly... I don't think it would have bothered me so much in Oblivion if Morrowind didn't have them. In Fallout 3, it's not just that I remembered being confused by their absence in Oblivion, but that Fallout surely HAD to have spears, hence my added surprise.


Frankly, I'd be happy with spears as just another close combat weapon (can stab, but not throw) in F3. Although throwing would be nice, it's probably a heck of a lot of effort for one little thing. I'd just like the ability to attach a sharp rock or piece of metal to a stick!


Mind you, even if I could, I couldn't poke someone in the eye with it, could I? :(

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Agreed that we need spears.. and crossbows. think it fits Fallout setting.


spear made of two pipes and a combat knife... crossbow shootin rail spikes..)))


BTW there was spears, staves and crossbows in Morrowind=)

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