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getting NPCs to don clothes?


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Some skills just level faster than others. Like blacksmithing used to before a patch, I'm told.

Well, I just started playing the game 2 weeks ago, and early on, I leveled pickpocketing.


For some mischevious fun, early game once I had 100 pickpocket and the respective perk, I started stealing weapons and clothes: especially mages' robes, as they're worth something and armor.

Hey, don't judge, 40 gold is a lot early game.


Well, now I'm getting irritated by NPCs running around in their skivvies while I'm trying to discuss serious sales and purchases with half naked shopkeepers and quest lines with others. I tried reverse-pickpocketing clothes on to them, but they don't seem to put them on.

Can't remember/ wouldn't trouble to hunt down exactly what they originally wore, I'd like to just give them all cheap robes or whatever armor I have in inventory.


Thoughts on making this work? It's very undignified for the companions, and the serious mages of winterhold, and many others, and it's getting irritating.




By the way, for the curious, some things are NEVER pickpocketable. Certain weapons and armor on certain characters, despite 100 pickpocket and even potions and enhancing armor on top of it, and despite letting the target npc go to sleep (plus even more to pickpocket, like 25% i think), and the promise of that perk that says you can steal worn items, will always always always have 0% to pickpocket. Also, after you pay for training, all the gold you paid will be visible but it can not be pickpocketed. For those wondering: it's not been a very worthwhile perk. By level 30 you find better stuff in dungeons than any character ever wears.

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Unfortunately, Skyrim is not like Oblivion and Morrowind. NPCs do not wear whatever they have in inventory. They will normally only wear the items in their outfits. Followers are an exception. While following, they will equip what you give them. While not following, they just wear their assigned outfits.


So you will need to look in the CK and figure out what each NPC is supposed to wear and reverse pickpocket it back to them. Alternately, you might experiment with killing them by console code and resurrecting them (not resurrect 1.) You might disable them and PlaceAtMe new copies of them. You could build a mod to place additional copies of these actors and then disable the originals.


Unfortunately, all of these options except the reverse pickpocketing will break quests.


I guess you could just start a new character.

Edited by David Brasher
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You can resurrect them with the console. That will cause them to be reconstructed from their game definition (.esm or .esp file), including whatever their default inventory is. You don't even need to kill them first. I don't know what effect this would have on quests. I didn't think quest state was maintained with the NPC's in any way, but David knows a lot more than I do about these things, so I would listen to him first. Edited by blitzen
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