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[LE] Creation kit manual

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hi Guys,


Is there some exhaustive manual about the Creation Kit? I read on the net, there are some tutorials about creating object, quest, landscapes, but what interests me, for now, are the entries, conditions, perks, there are soooo many options to pick from, and no idea what they mean, for the most.


For example, I saw this entry "modify armor weight", so I instinctively thought "cool, I will make a perk where all iron and steel armors weight is halved, so player can carry more".


So I selected this entry, I added in conditions "has keyword", "weaparmorsteel/iron" or whatever was that condition, but nothing changed. So obviously it wasn't about physical weight, but probably about the muffling effect.


This is why I come back at you, do you know some tutorials about entries and conditions?


(I precise that I work on a perk overhaul, yet another one lol)


Thank you

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The WikiHow for Skyrim Creation Kit will help you to build basic things like NPCs, landscapes, buildings, NavMeshes, and animated objects and characters. Unfortunately, although helpful and somewhat intuitive, it is far from being what you would call an actual 'manual' for Creation Kit. I don't really think there is one. Scripting and voice dialogs editing are probably the most frustrating parts of the CK. They have to be precise and accurate to a fault or they simply don't work.


Always remember one thing above all else: save, save, save, save, save! I was working in a large new land the size of Skyrim, and after six weeks of hard work, I made the mistake of misinterpreting a CK save and said no instead of yes, and bye bye mod, gone forever. Except for a couple of new NPCs, I'm not tackling any more mods for a while. Still can't find it. The best thing you can do sometimes is ask the questions and hope someone can provide answers.


P.S.- Get a notebook and write things down as you go. You might not think you need it, but yeah, you do.

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