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Subnautica Mods not working after latest steam update to Subnautica


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..i rolled back the update for now, using this method:




..this is the manifest you want (most recent build prior to the last update):




Once you've downloaded the files (over 5 Gb, decompressing to over 13 Gb), copy 'em over to your game folder, and use any of the known methods for preventing Steam from re-updating it (i enable preset rules blocking all inbound and outbound connections to Steam in Windows firewall).. until mods are working again, i guess..


Lord knows how much i hate Steam. Persistently, dementedly breaks all the games you buy with it. Used to love GTAV, now too much hassle to undo all the damage Steam does to it. Used to love Arma 3, but likewise Steam's destroyed it with unwanted updates, now none of my mission work..


From now on i'll forego even buying any games in the first place if Steam's the only option, spawn of Lucifer that it is..


Steam = "Buy the game, then download the crack so you can actually play it!"

Edited by MrVibrating
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Same issue as everybody else...Many of the mods have since been updated, but Q-Mods will need to be updated too. Even if you play through the game a little bit, you will have issues with the Moonpool and not being able to construct the Vehicle Upgrade panel without flooding the moonpool and half of your base disappearing. So glad they updated a game that was COMPLETELY finished to break all the mods...


I took my list of Mods and any that have been updated following the latest update I keep the rest I store in a folder and monitor Nexus for when they are updated.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Same here, it says you just need to reinstall qmods to get it working but it doest do anything. Under the mods tab i have the thing for qmods, but nothing else seems to be loading, including the mods that have been updated.

Not sure if the issue has been fixed by now.... I have reinstall the game+ Qmod managers+ mods(latest-updated) for several times but still none of these work.....

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Lord knows how much i hate Steam. Persistently, dementedly breaks all the games you buy with it. Used to love GTAV, now too much hassle to undo all the damage Steam does to it. Used to love Arma 3, but likewise Steam's destroyed it with unwanted updates, now none of my mission work..


From now on i'll forego even buying any games in the first place if Steam's the only option, spawn of Lucifer that it is..


Steam = "Buy the game, then download the crack so you can actually play it!"


You know what you said is bullshit right? It's NOT Steam who makes the updates for the games, the developers/publishers do it. Steam just distributes it. If you don't like that, buy a hard copy of a game (CD/DVD) and play that version. Steam doesn't break games, developers do. Subnautica isn't broken, just mods stoped working. The game (as the developers intended) works JUST FINE!


From early time of modded games, we knew, that once a newer version of the game comes out, mods could be rendered useless... So people either started working with the latest version, or waited till the mods got updated too. Or just didn't update their game. Pure and simple.

Because you failed to get in line, doesn't mean that the system is bad! I'd say (even though I mod most of my games a lot) Steam is doing great with this up-to-date policy. It's the users whom should learn more from their mistakes.

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  • 3 months later...


Lord knows how much i hate Steam. Persistently, dementedly breaks all the games you buy with it. Used to love GTAV, now too much hassle to undo all the damage Steam does to it. Used to love Arma 3, but likewise Steam's destroyed it with unwanted updates, now none of my mission work..


From now on i'll forego even buying any games in the first place if Steam's the only option, spawn of Lucifer that it is..


Steam = "Buy the game, then download the crack so you can actually play it!"


You know what you said is bulls*** right? It's NOT Steam who makes the updates for the games, the developers/publishers do it. Steam just distributes it. If you don't like that, buy a hard copy of a game (CD/DVD) and play that version. Steam doesn't break games, developers do. Subnautica isn't broken, just mods stoped working. The game (as the developers intended) works JUST FINE!


From early time of modded games, we knew, that once a newer version of the game comes out, mods could be rendered useless... So people either started working with the latest version, or waited till the mods got updated too. Or just didn't update their game. Pure and simple.

Because you failed to get in line, doesn't mean that the system is bad! I'd say (even though I mod most of my games a lot) Steam is doing great with this up-to-date policy. It's the users whom should learn more from their mistakes.


Really dude...you didnt get what he said STEAM forces you to update even if you dont want to if everything is working fine or as intended we as gamers should not have to update if we dont want too because of mods and thats what the problem is there is no way to turn off auto update as it has been disabled game devs didnt break the game with patches the auto update system did which in this case is steam for him...even without giving us the option to turn off updates which i think is wrong as this game is not multiplayer so why should we be punished for not having a choice as we didnt make mistakes...

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