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Everything posted by Morghean

  1. In response to post #74284523. #74337103, #76959238, #79022128 are all replies on the same post. not gonna wait for you guys anymore... all hail the ad-block plugins...
  2. In response to post #74284523. #74337103 is also a reply to the same post. I think I've reached it with FO4 (715+430)... yet I keep seeing ads...
  3. You know what you said is bullshit right? It's NOT Steam who makes the updates for the games, the developers/publishers do it. Steam just distributes it. If you don't like that, buy a hard copy of a game (CD/DVD) and play that version. Steam doesn't break games, developers do. Subnautica isn't broken, just mods stoped working. The game (as the developers intended) works JUST FINE! From early time of modded games, we knew, that once a newer version of the game comes out, mods could be rendered useless... So people either started working with the latest version, or waited till the mods got updated too. Or just didn't update their game. Pure and simple. Because you failed to get in line, doesn't mean that the system is bad! I'd say (even though I mod most of my games a lot) Steam is doing great with this up-to-date policy. It's the users whom should learn more from their mistakes.
  4. So how does this goes, do I have to send a message, that I reached the unique downloads limit, or wait till senpai notices me...? :D
  5. Cleaner would be a spell effect script, which runs a check if the afflicted is under the reanimation spell or not and under the player's command or not, then it shows a message box with the choices you mentioned... This way, you don't have to attach scripts to NPCs. And it will have compatibility with npcs added by other mods.
  6. The one on the left is the Lethal Majesty by Sinblood. First introduced in Oblivion. The skyrim version isn't by the original author, so maybe because of that, it's not on Nexus. modsreloaded has it. The one on the right is the Lilith Armor, by Nikitaa. There's a follower mod there which has the wings too... Not sure the armor itself has the wings or the follower's race has them.
  7. I have the same problem. I've upgraded my rig about two years ago, thought I'll have better running with things, maybe add more beauty to it, but ended up not even able to start the game. I've went through all those multi-core settings on about 3 or so major gaming portals (TweakGuides, IGN, Nexus, Gamespot, etc), none of them were exact about what settings does what... and more importantly, how must one set those according their own rig, like how many cores you have. So the two old games (Oblivion & Fallout 3) that I used to play with and mod (even with own mods) were rendered unplayable. Even tried reinstalling those games, freshly with all mods as an idiot check, but I already knew, that if it doesn't start, it's the ini at fault (which I tried to set and reset multiple times). I have the GOG version of both games by the way. I used to have a very (I mean VERY) old rig: - Intel P4 2.4GHz (single core) - 1GB DDR2 ram - Radeon 1650 pro with 512MB ram - 32bit WinXP Pro (yeah.. apart the radeon, the whole rig was about 14-15 years old) I had about 50 mods loaded, give and take another 5 depending on the character I wanted to play with (like, not loading vile lair and such evil themed things if I played with my goodie-two-shues kaleen warrior). Things that could stress my rig was OOO, Enhanced Weather, Realistic Water, ImpeREAL City Unique Districts, Kvatch Rebuilt and the usual eyecandy armors and clothing mods, with some texture halving (performance) mods too... I'd say, it was quite stable (to the standards of that old rig.. having a CTD only after about 4-5 hours of game play...), I thought, that when I'll have a better rig, I could afford higher textures and maybe ENB too. Side note: FO3 was running with ~96 mods, with high demand mods like FWE, EVE, MMM, Project Beauty, on medium with halved textures/performance mods. The game was pretty stable... more stable than Oblivion itself, probably because I used xEdit extensively to make things work together (since Wyre Bash wasn't available for the time). The only time I had a ton of lag was the end of the Main Quest, when Liberty Prime went on it's way, or when I peeked on how the Brotherhood fare with the Enclave on the runway battle, in Andrews Air-force Base (Broken Steel's end). My current rig is still considered old: - Intel i7 2,8GHz (four cores) - 16GB DDR (couldn't get which version, but surely 3 or better) - Radeon XR 550 with 4GB vram - 64bit Win10 Pro (again, the radeon is the youngest of the bunch, having purchased last year) I can run Fallout 4 with 200 mods (not counting .esl files), on medium settings. Can run Skyrim LE on high settings (with official high res pack). Can run Skyrim-Enderal with ~50 or so mods on high settings without much problem... Except for Skyrim LE, I have a stability of 6-7 hours between CTDs (more with FO4 if I only do settlement building). Skyrim LE is only unstable because I only have it a few days and it's still fresh (and suffocates under 200 plugins...). Troll note: I do consider buying Skyrim SE, but only when steam has it discounted to more than 50%... I know this is an Oblivion forum and mentioning things like TES5, Enderal, FO4, FO3 is out of place, but FO3 has the same engine so it's kind of a sister-game (about the same settings needed for it) and the rest is for to compare the new and old rigs... I too would like to have an insight of how the ini files can be tinkered with to have better compatibility with my own rig. Something that goes beyond: "if you have multi core set this to that..." to the way on: "if you have this much cores, you should set this and that, to about/around this or that". Unfortunately, not even the guide on Nexus does that.
  8. In response to post #60377462. #60378147 is also a reply to the same post. There's a limited way that can filter out abuse of unique downloads, limited, as there's no sure fire method for it - or at least, I don't know it. IP address control. Like limiting the accounts to be created/used from the same IP address, therefore limiting the way someone could generate more unique downloads for their mods. The only weak point in this is internet cafes... Now I'd like to extend andyjs' idea of equality across popular and less popular games, by stating, that a fixed number of divider (based on the game's age/overall popularity) is not good enough. The divider itself should be based on statistics of the many factors of game's popularity, like unique downloads, posted mods, images, videos or feedback and of course their age. Which all boils down to the number, of ~relatively~ how many people are actually bothered with that particular game (per a set time interval). And yeah, bothering with older games should be a bonus, but really slight, not that much as andyjs have suggested. We could also add things like the mod authors' frequency of visiting their own mods: checking on feedback, adding or repairing their own mod (newer version available, optional files available), how much they advertise their mods with Nexus (how many features are used that the site provides.. like writing a change log in it's own tab; bug report tab, adding images, videos). If you do a through out job to make your mod more appealing and informative, you could get a better rating to those who just upload in bulk. Due to hardware issues, I'm limited to FO3/TES4 modding (and to be honest, I like those a lot more, than the newest versions of them), but I don't think, that modders for older games should be on totally equal ground with ones that adds content to newer games. So the idea of (andyjs') having 10 "AP" for Albert, Brenda and Chuck across the board is a bad one. Yes, there should be a _narrow_ difference between old and new games, but really slight. With the above additions (using statistics) would result a much fairer result, in my opinion.
  9. Hey! I was pointed here (even though, what I'd like to do is in FO3), but I suppose poking NifSkope is the same for both games (more or less). I'm trying to put an outer shell over the vault parts, by editing the industrial pod meshes, but many of them are not aligned with each other. So is it possible to turn/align a mesh in NifSkope, so it wouldn't face the x, but rather the y axis? Collision data is not important, so if I can just turn around the textured part, then I could adjust the window and/or door frames and then turn it back again.
  10. Greetings! I'm making a Necromancer mod (yet another to be out there.. heh). It goes well (slow, thanks to Life), but there are things I could use some help with. I need of the help of a writer, to make a few books. Actually, minimum of 4 (but lengthy) books. Here are the raw details: 2 series of books In .txt format. Maximum 8000 characters of each book. That's about the length of the longest vanilla book I've read in TES world (Morrowind/Oblivion) At least 2 books for each series, but can (and would) use more. (would be glad to have more too) Each book should have a little part at the beginning that is about the author (the in-game fictional), so the reader would know, who wrote it. First series: Title: ? Date of edition: anywhere between 1E2000 and 1E2300 Author: ? Author's background: Altmer, exiled Psijic Order member Time of events: any time before the making of the book About the writing style: -Sload translation (even some parts with hard English ~ as it's impossible to completely translate sload language), like an interview -Mainly two people's talking.. or one's narrative -Alchemical recipes, how to make them, effect, side effect, ritual tools, rituals in detail -Some side notes from the author about the topics: -Research of death (methods of observation, failures, successes) -Philosophical run about the after-life and possibilities of restoring the consciousness, senses, emotions of the returned -How to preserve the returned: protection against rotting, damage, elements (natural or magical) Second series: Title: The Soulburst Date of edition: after 2E578 (maximum +50 years) Author: ? Author's background: ? Time of events: 2E 578 About the writing style: glorification; someone who's on the side of Mannimarco (one of his follower/lieutenant or something..), or sympathizing with him Main figures: Mannimarco (and partly Molag Bal) About the topic: Pretty much what happened back there, in greater details.. like the rituals/magic performed to bring about the Soulburst and what Mannimarco did right after that (anything wicked, gore filled, cruel, inhuman, immoral thing you can think of.. let the dark side out!) Here's a link with the same details, if someone would need it... Also collected some lore reference for help (in the file), but that's optional. Be lore friendly as much as you can. About the deadline.. 1-3 months sounds reasonable. Send your works in pm (copied there, or linked..). You can find me here (mostly), or on Bethsoft forum with the same name (more rarely).
  11. Well I did found something in the GetParentRef article. "If you need to link more than two objects, you can sometimes daisy chain multiple objects together. E.g., if it's desired for a trip wire to activate two separate trap objects, then set the parent ref of the trip wire to one trap, and then set that trap to have the other trap as its parent and have first trap activate its parent when it is activated." So linking the spawn points to each other, then use the last (grandparent :D ) to link to the xmarker, seems to work in CS, but I don't know if it works in game. Logically: yes, if works with traps, but logic isn't it's strong side of the engine. :sweat:
  12. Hey there! I'd like to link multiple leveled creature spawn points to a XMarker, that a quest can disable these spawns after a certain criteria have met, so the creatues/npcs wouldn't spawn anymore. But frankly, I can only link one spawn point to one XMarker. After that, for the second spawn point's parenting tab, the XMarker wouldn't show. Now, is there a way to link more than one spawn points together, so that they can be disabled by a quest/script, or... No? Hopefully there is a way, as that 'feature' is very much a basis for the mod. #edit: latest CSE in use.
  13. seems to be dead again.. any time I try to reach it, it redirects me to this: 8: Undefined index: spoiler_show File: /home/ginnyfizz/teseyecandy.co.uk/forum/Sources/Subs.php Line: 1631
  14. Ok, I mended that one and even shortened the script slightly, but it doesn't seem to work.. It does gives the novice spells to a new character of the specific race, but won't update them upon leveling up (not sure how related, but I use ObXP). scn VampirePowerUpdaterScript Begin GameMode if ( player.getisrace BellaGailVampireDaywalker01 == 1 || player.getisrace BellaGailVampireDaywalker02 == 1 || player.getisrace BellaGailVampireFeralVampire01 == 1 || player.getisrace BellaGailVampirePureBlood01 == 1 || player.getisrace BellaGailVampirePureBlood02 == 1 || player.getisrace BellaGailVampirePureBlood03 == 1) if ( player.getlevel < 10 ) player.addspellNS VampireBiteNovice player.addspellNS VampireShotNovice player.addspellNS VampireShieldNovice elseif ( player.getlevel >= 10 && < 20 ) player.removespellNS VampireBiteNovice player.removespellNS VampireShotNovice player.removespellNS VampireShieldNovice player.addspellNS VampireBiteApprentice player.addspellNS VampireShotApprentice player.addspellNS VampireShieldApprentice elseif ( player.getlevel >= 20 && < 30 ) player.removespellNS VampireBiteApprentice player.removespellNS VampireShotApprentice player.removespellNS VampireShieldApprentice player.addspellNS VampireBiteJourneyman player.addspellNS VampireShotJourneyman player.addspellNS VampireShieldJourneyman elseif ( player.getlevel >= 30 && < 40 ) player.removespellNS VampireBiteJourneyman player.removespellNS VampireShotJourneyman player.removespellNS VampireShieldJourneyman player.addspellNS VampireBiteExpert player.addspellNS VampireShotExpert player.addspellNS VampireShieldExpert elseif ( player.getlevel >= 40 && < 50 ) player.removespellNS VampireBiteExpert player.removespellNS VampireShotExpert player.removespellNS VampireShieldExpert player.addspellNS VampireBiteMaster player.addspellNS VampireShotMaster player.addspellNS VampireShieldMaster elseif ( player.getlevel >= 50 ) player.removespellNS VampireBiteMaster player.removespellNS VampireShotMaster player.removespellNS VampireShieldMaster player.addspellNS VampireBiteGrandmaster player.addspellNS VampireShotGrandmaster player.addspellNS VampireShieldGrandmaster endif endif end
  15. I was trying to make a script for my own, that updates lesser powers to BellaGail's vampire races. The script editor however refuses to save the script, claiming there are end expected at the player.addspell/removespell lines where it shouldn't (according to cswiki). scn VampireLesserPowerUpdater short level short Novice short Apprentice short Journeyman short Expert short Master short GrandMaster short doonce Begin GameMode set level to player.getlevel ;checks if the player is the right race and level, so other races won't get these lesser powers if ( player.getisrace BellaGailVampireDaywalker01 == 1 || player.getisrace BellaGailVampireDaywalker02 == 1 || player.getisrace BellaGailVampireFeralVampire01 == 1 || player.getisrace BellaGailVampirePureBlood01 == 1 || player.getisrace BellaGailVampirePureBlood02 == 1 || player.getisrace BellaGailVampirePureBlood03 == 1) if ( level < 10) set Novice to 1 elseif ( level >= 10 && < 20 ) set Apprentice to 1 elseif ( level >= 20 && < 30 ) set Journeyman to 1 elseif ( level >= 30 && < 40 ) set Expert to 1 elseif ( level >= 40 && < 50 ) set Master to 1 elseif ( level >= 50 ) set GrandMaster to 1 endif ;makes the starting character a vampire, lifting the need to edit the console every new game if ( Novice == 1 && doonce == 0 ) set PCVampire to 1 set doonce to 1 endif ;levels up the lesser powers according to new player levels if ( Apprentice == 1 ) player.removespellNS VampireBiteNovice 1 player.removespellNS VampireShotNovice 1 player.removespellNS VampireShieldNovice 1 player.addspellNS VampireBiteApprentice 1 player.addspellNS VampireShotApprentice 1 player.addspellNS VampireShieldApprentice 1 elseif ( Journeyman == 1 ) player.removespellNS VampireBiteApprentice 1 player.removespellNS VampireShotApprentice 1 player.removespellNS VampireShieldApprentice 1 player.addspellNS VampireBiteJourneyman 1 player.addspellNS VampireShotJourneyman 1 player.addspellNS VampireShieldJourneyman 1 elseif ( Expert == 1 ) player.removespellNS VampireBiteJourneyman 1 player.removespellNS VampireShotJourneyman 1 player.removespellNS VampireShieldJourneyman 1 player.addspellNS VampireBiteExpert 1 player.addspellNS VampireShotExpert 1 player.addspellNS VampireShieldExpert 1 elseif ( Master == 1 ) player.removespellNS VampireBiteExpert 1 player.removespellNS VampireShotExpert 1 player.removespellNS VampireShieldExpert 1 player.addspellNS VampireBiteMaster 1 player.addspellNS VampireShotMaster 1 player.addspellNS VampireShieldMaster 1 elseif ( GrandMaster == 1 ) player.removespellNS VampireBiteMaster 1 player.removespellNS VampireShotMaster 1 player.removespellNS VampireShieldMaster 1 player.addspellNS VampireBiteGrandMaster 1 player.addspellNS VampireShotGrandMaster 1 player.addspellNS VampireShieldGrandMaster 1 endif ;makes possible for the vampire races only, to become a vampire again after the cure quest if ( PCVampire == -1 ) set vampire.hasdisease to 0 set vampire.vamphour to 0 set vampire.daycount to 0 set PCVampire to 0 endif endif end screenshot The rest of the script looks fine for the script editor. However, I don't know if I really need that lengthy IF line where checking for the vampire races, as the script will run as a quest and there I can set quest target conditions to these races.. (first time making such updater script..)
  16. I have kind of same, with estrus, but the other way around: animation works fine for my own character, but every and any npc is use it on, they'll just stand in the basic idle...
  17. I too get a .tes file every time CS crashes.. and it happens a lot.. because some reason, I can't do any kind of modding if the followings are either active for editing, or simply were loaded by CS: DLC Knights of the Nine DLC Mehrunes Razor DLC Vile Lair OOO .esm file OOO .esp file EVE-OOO .esp file It bothers me, that I can't progress with my ideas, because for some reason CS crashes with a 100% chance when ever I hit the save button with these on... patched oblivon, same version CS (basic, not the one that was extended by obse.. that one CTDs even more and doesn't even have any of the new features, but that's another topic..) the crash log:
  18. Seems that my problem resolved.. nevermind that.
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