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Stealing in Oblivion.


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Honestly to me stealing is way too easy. I would also love to see harsher crime punishments in Cyrodiil (pay a fine? That's lame...) but that's a completely different subject. I wouldn't mind it if I was caught more often, especially when they're asleep! I'd love to have the game set up where I actually have to think "Is it worth trying to steal this?" rather than pick the lock on a door, take EVERYTHING in the house, and walk out whistling as the owner snores away in his warm bed.
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I personally rarely break into NPC's homes. I usually go for the stores such as weapon and armor retailers as weapons sell for a higher price than some stupid plates and cups you'd find in most NPC homes.
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So if you could make any imrovenents to the stealing in vanilla oblivion, what would they be?


I had this same topic like a few months back, and people were coming up with all sorts of things. For example, upper class clothes and cutlery is worth nothing, and the weight to woth distrubution in an item is uneven, for example a steel urn, they're worth nothing ut wegh so much.

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as far as the punishment goes, I'd prefer if when getting caught I were thrown into the arena and had to fight to pay back the fine. The higher the fine the tougher the fight. That would be so much better than sleeping off your time and loosing 1 personality point
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I think it's too easy. I usually have several thousand septims worth of stolen goods by the time I get the thieves guild message "You have fenced 300 worth of goods"

I agree with you there.I did the quest for the countess in bruma,then stole the item I retrieved,sold it for over 1000, it paid for all my fees in the thieves guild!


being flogged or whipped would be great punishment .

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I try not to do anything in a game I wouldn't do in real life, bothers my conscience somehow... makes me annoyed when I'm put in a situation where I have to make a choice between wrong and wrong also...


Conscience? What conscience? I Enjoy being evil, stealing everything and murdering innocents, yet being respected and revered as a hero. They're like virtual man (and very, very stupid).

Pickpocketing's where the fun is. Especially if you get caught and have to kill them. Always quicksave before pickpocketing. Being evil fun, but being evil when no one else knows it is better :biggrin: :yes: :) 8) ;D :P

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Hmm... if you're looking at making second-story jobs more fun (or just more lucrative), it wouldn't be too hard to add a few pricey items here-&-there to the houses of upperclass citizens... there's a few mods that adjust the values of common clutter, and I could see adding in a few new shops as potential targets.


Ever notice that there's all these silver items, but the only silversmith I've seen is in Jannix Quinn's Streams of Silver?

There are jewelry shops, but who makes the jewelry?


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What about if there were market stalls in the market district? Try and give as much detail as you can, as i'm trying to improve everything for theives.


And i might as well try assassins at the same time, so what do you feel about assassination in oblivion?

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I think something like a bounty for thieves would work really well. Not a bounty that would make guards arrest you but something like...


The more you steal and fence, the higher your Thieves bounty


The higher your thieves bounty the easier it is for NPC's to catch you


This would make stealing raise the detection of NPC's making it harder to steal that would mean that the player would have to find new ways to maintain a thieves lifestyle


Besides we all know that once someone gets caught stealing they are always thought of as a thief, Look at Wynona Rider. So a thieves bounty would make sense.

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