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Quest Scene, Npcs not moving across tamriel cells.


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I got a quest set up and two npcs inside that quest doing a scene I set up for them.


at first it didnt work because it was in the wilderness and I needed to set up a SM Event node and making sure it knew it was in the right cell.


I followed this tutorial Making Npc's talk to each other (Skyrim CK) - YouTube


and it woks


The problem I have now though is that when my Npcs follow the Xmarkers I put down for them just fine, they do their dialogue and actions.


The Original Tamriel location is in I am working in is "HobsFallCaveLocation".


When they move outside of the original cell, they dont follow through the rest of the scene, they just start walking away.


I changed the location of the surrounding to "HobsFallCaveLocations" since that is the location the SM Even node that allows this scene to work. But crossing over cells seems to break it. any ideas please?

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