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[Request] Less "muddy" water


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Is it somehow possible to lessen the effect of the underwater after effect filter?

(not turning it off compleately, cristal clear looks horrible aswell)


I like the effect in general but its hard to see underwater, especially at daytime somehow :(


maybe it can be simply adjusted in some file with just changing a number in a line? idk


Help is appreciated!

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  • 2 months later...

Made some progress but still far away from a solution.


1. Made changes in "rendering.ini" => AllowUnderwater=true to false

This removes ALL effects underwater...so here we have the crystal clear water :S


2. Found the file "enviroment.ws" with import function SetUnderWaterBrightness(val : float);

Nothing i can change here. And not what im looking for...


3. Found out more about "env" files and some enviroment settings for the m_water SetUnderWaterFogintensity <- I think thats the option im lookin for!

But seems like its buried somewhere in the cooked content files...


This Mod seems to alter many enviromental options, the one im searching for seems to be included


But installing this is like cracking a nut with a sledgehammer, i like something that is more standalone.


From this point on this Quest of mine starts to get very time consuming and is clearly above my skills.

Can anyone help me out here or point me in the right direction?

Edited by RakZak
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