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About RakZak

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Apprentice (3/14)



  1. Ultrawide Cutscene Fix (Hex Editor) <- Where you got this? Running the GOG 1.32 GOTY here with a 21:9 and annoying black bars Edit: Found the solution! Thanks for unintentionally guiding me to a awesome fix! this such an improvment good lord :O
  2. Made some progress but still far away from a solution. 1. Made changes in "rendering.ini" => AllowUnderwater=true to false This removes ALL effects underwater...so here we have the crystal clear water :S 2. Found the file "enviroment.ws" with import function SetUnderWaterBrightness(val : float); Nothing i can change here. And not what im looking for... 3. Found out more about "env" files and some enviroment settings for the m_water SetUnderWaterFogintensity <- I think thats the option im lookin for! But seems like its buried somewhere in the cooked content files... This Mod seems to alter many enviromental options, the one im searching for seems to be included https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/1672?tab=posts But installing this is like cracking a nut with a sledgehammer, i like something that is more standalone. From this point on this Quest of mine starts to get very time consuming and is clearly above my skills. Can anyone help me out here or point me in the right direction?
  3. Maybe just try the GodMode mod? Isnt exactly what youre looking for, but if everything dies in 1 swing, its as close to what youre lookin for.
  4. Is it somehow possible to lessen the effect of the underwater after effect filter? (not turning it off compleately, cristal clear looks horrible aswell) I like the effect in general but its hard to see underwater, especially at daytime somehow :( maybe it can be simply adjusted in some file with just changing a number in a line? idk Help is appreciated!
  5. Somebody here with a bit of expertise in the game graphics (PC)? Im wondering about the "MipMap" option. I dont know if i like it or not. On paper it reads awesome but ingame the shimmer can be bad. Heres how i understand it so far: If i turn it on: a texture file with different resolutions of a texture are applied relativetly to the viewing distance to the texture. If the texture is close = high resolution / far away = lower resolution. Which results in better overall picture quality and also using more VRAM but less VRAMs bandwidth usage. If mipmap is not enabled, the normal textures with highest quality should be loaded all the time. Lesser use of VRAM but higher bandwidth usage. (correct?) (if i turn MipMaps off, the close textures are really blurry in comparision to when it turned on. What the shouldnt be. Thats one thing that really baffles me oO This leaves me no choice but to turn MipMap on and setting negativeLODbias to 0 to -0.5, still a bit shimmer but its bearable. BUT now add the awesome HD rework project to that equation. As i understand it only has 4k "normal" textures. So mipmaps not supported. Eventually the engine needs to downscale the 4k texture everytime in many different lower resolutions to run with MipMapping. This would put extra load on the GPU. If it even works like that. Or the engine would just straight up use the normal maps in every viewing depth. Can someone tell me if im correct with all that stuff or point me in some direction to get some kind of answer?
  6. I have scripting errors too and gave up on this mod. In the comments section some people pointed out that its not working with 1.32 anymore and last updates were made around 2017 i think. If someone knows how to get this Mod running, please let me know
  7. Strange. Rolled back to an old save at one of this point. Dialogue is playing...wtf Edit: And another one still not working... What is this bug Oo
  8. Nonono! It's fine :D Im using it right now and am totally happy :) Everything is better then seeing this blight wolf again xD You did well, thanks again! :)
  9. Before the bug occurred allready installed: Qwinns Fixpack v3.4 Character Respec Addon v1.6 Combat Tweaks v3.42 No Helmet Hack v1.6 Scarab Monkey Storage Devout armor Leliana sacred ashes armor Morrigan & Leliana sacred ashes face mod Steal cooldown reduced Madd Gift Guide After bug occurred installed: Wynne redesign AddItem improved Ranger pets sustained Blight wolf to alpha wolf The only ones that i can see maybe confligting with dialogue are qwinns fixpack. But as i said before disabling all of them didnt change something.
  10. Hey, i was busy gathering all the parts for a 100% spell resi tank (and finally get him in the frontline despite throwing some AoE spells in the crowd) as i noticed that all the spell resistance isnt worth a single sovereign. All friendly spells just went through my tanks spell resi like a frozen butter block through a molten knife ...or something like that :| As i asked the allmighty google for an answer why things are as how they are i had to find out: Spellresistance got completly removed from friendly fire as of version 1.03 for the pc atleast .....awww man :( Now i have found this mod "JX - Dragon Age Extended" which included a "universal spellresistance" mod. Somebody know how i can extract only that part from the mod? (allready asked in the "post" section of this mod but it got last updated around 2014 and i dont know if its still supported) Or somebody has another mod doing exactly just that spell resi thing? Thanks!
  11. This problem often occures with companion dialogue inside a conversation. In dialogues sometimes the camera angle suddently breaks, its like its pointing at some texture idk and no subtitles or sound is playing for the scene, even if its clear that something must have been said. This occured so far at this points in game: Shale dialogue while speaking with the shaperade Ogrehn dialogue while speaking with Ruck And some other dialogue while doing Oghren personalmission. But its allways the companion dialogue. Somebody know about such a bug? I tried to turn off all mods, didnt work. I had like over 50+ hrs playtime just fine, this happened the first time as i was doing orzammar main quests.
  12. Oh good lord you were send by the maker himself! This works! :D Beside your mod im using "Ranger Summon Pet Sustained" and so far there seems to be no conflicts. The pet is still around after traveling :smile: Edit: Found something :P The skills of the blight wolf are now removed and changed with them from alpha wolf, now missing "growl" and "charge" ability. They were anyway only accessible per tactic commands (normally only "shred" and "howl" for pet wolf per quickbar) and are debatable as exploits. If its possible to retain the skillset of the blight wolf that would be a bonus, but im perfectly fine anyway as how it is now :) Maybe this would be a nice addition to a major Fixpack out there? As i said before, a blight wolf really isnt lore friendly by any means: "Blight wolf is a wolf that is inflicted with the darkspawn taint and has turned into a ghoul.... The darkspawn use them for hunting, a task at which they excel. A lone blight wolf is a slavering horror that will attack anything of living flesh that it can smell and their senses are keen." Anyway, thanks for your help with this! :smile: I dont wanna be greedy but maybe you have an idea for a solution for another problem with the ranger pets or know a mod for exactly this. If the pet is summoned, the player can add tactics by clicking the popup in the left bottom corner. After this its not possible to acess the tactics by the standard menu. And all tactics are lost if the pet is removed. so basicly: a) make pet's tactic menu acessible b) make tactics auto-safeable
  13. For everyone still looking like i was: I was helped out in another thread with this problem Credit goes out to theskymoves for changing the blight wolf into alpha wolf! You can download the files on his/her nexus site here
  14. Hello, im so annoyed about beeing a grey warden that has to run around with a blight wolf....a sodding BLIGHT wolf!? Lorewise im supposed to kill this thing. Now i've looked everywhere for a mod or a away to replace this model with another, like the normal wolf or witherfang. But there is simply no mod for this, neither do i have the modding skills to do this by myselfe (i tried trust me! D:) So maybe someone here can help me and maybe give me a link, mod this for me or even writ me a little walkthrough how to mod this myselfe. I mean, comon! , cant be that hard to change the Model/Texture from one wolf to another wolf :sad: Thanks for reading!
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