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So I was thinking about how the older elder scrolls had this "it gets more dangerous at night" feel, because things like goblins and spellblades and a few other creatures would come out at night, even in cities. And I was just thinking, although Skyrim cities are too small, and they have too many guards to do this, not to mention too many essential quest characters that can die, but what about just making it so monster spawns out on the roads/wilderness were a little more deadly. And I'm not talking about simple wolves, but some actual ghoulish and goblin like creatures, bring back some of the old Skyrim danger, and maybe even every once in awhile, an ogre, or something. And of course, spellblades and thieves, they were always a greater danger at night in the old games.
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I don't mean there aren't any spawns. I just want to increase the spawns. My only problem even though I have experience with CK, I have yet to figure out how to do spawns. Trying atm though. Hopefully I will get the hang of it. I understand how to put people in a place, but not exactly how to make a recurring spawn of 1 or 2 monsters in a city per every 3-4 days, or a 4-7 mob spawn per every 2-3 days in the wilderness.
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