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MOD With Ferris Wheel?


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So I started a new game on a new computer, and I have Nuka-World DLC installed. On this new system, I used the same MODs that I used on the old system. On my old system I had an option in the workshop to place a ferris wheel (from nuka-world I believe) but now with the same mods reinstalled on the new system and game. I have the SOE and USO MODs installed that have tons of stuff in them for Nuka-World items but I can't find the ferris wheel. I know its out there somewhere to place in a settlement.


What am I missing? Is it possible that the MOD that contains it is conflicting with something else? Does anyone know what MOD contains the ferris wheel?


Thanks for any help...

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Heya Agon024. It looks like you've got the mod that has the ferris wheel. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10075 SOE.


You do have all the plugins for USO, yes? There's several. (Sorry, I really don't want to go on bethesda's site. Their search function is a royal mess that takes forever.)


Also, while I love Andrew (he's a very nice, very helpful person!) and greatly admire his work and greatly appreciate all that he does for the F4 community, I DO know from a lot of prior experience (I've run UCO and USO ever since my ps4 days) that sometimes those two mods (UCO, USO) can be very load order specific when playing with other mods that affect the same groups in the workstation or armor bench.

You may have to play around with your load order. Most likely placing SOE after UCO. If that causes any conflicts with USO, I'd put SOE after it, place the ferris wheel in game, save it, then move SOE in your LO again, so that USO is functioning correctly.

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