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Ghostly remains from dragon?


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There's very little I can find on this subject out there on the net (tried google and got results ranging from "it's a glitch" to "it's a mod") - I am playing with just vanilla Skrim + Dawnguard and hi-res textures DLC so the latter is out of the question.


Basically I just left the College of Winterhold after completing a side quest (can't remember the NPC's involved but it involved retrieving a staff from some vampires so the fence in the college would give back an amulet) when Serana came out with the usual "Where did you come from" thing that indicates I'm about to be attacked by someone or something...


The something in question was an Elder Dragon - it spent awhile circling (PITA when they do that as my archer char has trouble drawing a bead) before hovering above the central courtyard of the college while I slammed arrows into it and Serana hit it with ice bolts. When said dragon was down to around 1/2 hits or just under it landed and we were able to finish it off.


normally at this point I'd expect to see a dragon corpse from which I could harvest a soul and loot the goodies but on this occasion all that was there was a puddle of Ghostly Remains (same as when Lucien bites it) with the dragon loot inside - I was also able to absorb the soul as normal.


Just wondered if anyone else had experienced this, whether it is a glitch or whether I met a rare type of dragon? - this is the first one I've met in 100 hours+ of gameplay and I've killed quite a few (including one that was apparently kicked to death by Shadowmere while I was afk)

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'twas the ghost of the Dragon killed by Shadowmere! It wanted to fight you the proper way :biggrin:


Never heard of something like that. Maybe a mage or conjurer or someone like that had his fun with a dragon corpse...? Can't think of anything else.

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Hasnt happened to me yet although i do on occasion come across dragons i slay that dont die. they run out of health and die, but dont burn up and no soul >.> It remains there until that area "resets" and then i kill it that same thing repeats. Never figured out why that particular dragon wouldnt die. Maybe it was Akatosh in disguise...
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