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'Scrap' as a repair item?


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MissPost, Please , if you would be so kind move this to an approiate forum thread.


I PMed this to Neclipse, but then, taking a look at the concept I felt it might be a good thing to get public input on the idea.


Neclipse published a modification to the item repair system and I was asking about an alternate method.


I am no kind of moder so I have to relie on the mercy of others.


What I was looking for is using 'Scrap' to make repairs. This would make this Karma item more valuable and force the decision on saving it for repairs or giving/selling it to guys like the water plant operator for cash or Karma.


Using 'Scrap' should not be limited to weapons only but ALL repairable items, even the unique. What values to give the 'Scrap' is one of the problems as it is not currently not a repair item.


(A Wild Thought Here) maybe a way to salvage unwanted equipment, such as that armor that you do not want to haul to the vendor to sell, for 'Scrap'? Maybe one, two, three or four 'Scrap' depending on item condition or other considerations.


Well, I hope you get the idea of the direction I was looking to go with repairs and is not too radical for the current stage of modding.


However I no clue on how to even start this modification. Sense you have a, to me, huge start on this would you look at the possibility and if you are kind enough to do so would you make one version sorta vanilla so that the other repair option mods are not included.


Thank you for your time and an interesting mod to start off with.




Thats basicly it, just that it seems too good of an approch for repair and the otherwise usless 'Karma Scrap'

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I like the idea of being able to "break down" at least SOME items into Scrap Parts (such as guns, metal or power armour, devices, etc).


I also heartily agree that Scrap Parts should be able to repair at least some types of weapons and armours, too (although to a lesser degree than the exact same kind of item).


I'm all for increasing the uses of various "junk" you find around the wastelands, particularly in ways the player might not have thought of.

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(A Wild Thought Here) maybe a way to salvage unwanted equipment, such as that armor that you do not want to haul to the vendor to sell, for 'Scrap'? Maybe one, two, three or four 'Scrap' depending on item condition or other considerations.

That's a Great idea.....

Hmmmm mabay besides having it so u can trade a item for scrap u could have something like a portable forge so something but it will allow u to turn items into scrap...

And if that seems to unrealstic to have a portable forge u could make it so there is some forge build in the world that allows u to turn a item into scrap....

I would go with a portable forge because it is may be easier

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Hmm, I thought this idea was a good one, but didn't realize until posting in this thread that I hadn't actually vocalized my support. So I'm just going to copy what I put there, here.


Much of the junk that one would think could be used to repair armor is also quite useful in making the craftable weapons. Scrap metal can be turned into a certain person for experience and either caps or good Karma.


That said, I would still love a mod that allows it to have the purpose of repairing things also. There is another thread on that exact thing. I just think it would add more to what Fallout is all about: choice. Do I repair my stuff, or get a shiny new weapon? Do I help this guy out, or do I help myself?

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I also like this idea. The "Scrap metal" could really be better utilized for more than just karma grinding. Maybe have an item you carry, call it a tool kit, lets you swap out armor for a piece of scrap metal or two then a work bench schematic that swaps armor for a greater number of scrap metal items, hopefully all based on item condition.


Kinda gives you the impression that while in the field you could rip a bit of plating off one armor and strap it onto your own or more completely dissemble it at a workbench and integrate the parts into another armor. The same would apply to weapons as well. Quick dirty field repairs vs complete equipment breakdown and overhaul.

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