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Engarde Combat Mod - Stagger/Stunlock Issue


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Hey there!

I recently discovered Engarde and have been testing it a fair bit today, trying to see if it might fit in my current mod list.

Consistently, despite any changes made in the MCM or in the patcher, I find NPCs getting staggered/stunned (not sure which term best applies) indefinitely when that state is triggered.

This occurs with and without any complementary combat mods (Ultimate Combat and Wildcat in this instance) and also with a minimum mod list where virtually every mod is cosmetic or a bug fix (IE USSEP.)

I'm really liking what Engarde brings to combat, but with an issue like this, it's not something I can comfortably add to my existing list, unfortunately.

The load order where the issue presented itself can be viewed here, and if any other information is needed, just let me know.

Furthermore, here is the load order of three different setups I used in my testing. Each test was performed on a completely new save.

Lastly, with each test, where relevant, I re-ran FNIS.

I would be quite appreciative if anyone could assist in this matter. =-)



Edit: Yes I know, it's a lot of mods, please don't lecture me on that point. Part of my enjoyment with modding is in seeing how many mods I can cram into Skyrim and still have it be playable.

Edited by MatthiosArcanus
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Tentatively, I may have found a working solution, although I can't help but feel it's more of a band-aid than a proper solution.

I don't have the exact setting in front of me right now, it's something along the lines of final stagger multiplier, it seems that setting that to 0 resolves the presented issue, and also seems to keep dead NPC's from still animating/flying into the air (a new problem that I came across after posting the original query.)


If any new developments occur, I'll be sure to update as needed.

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