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About MatthiosArcanus

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  1. Nexus staff, I completely understand websites are exceedingly expensive to host and maintain. I also am 100% for a premium per-month feature set that people choose to get to support the site (and the other available options to provide support.) While annoying, I was fine with the odd banner the past little while reminding me of the download cap. The way I see it, at the very least that can answer questions newer users may have concerning the speed. I would also be alright with that banner mentioning premium. Still very mildly annoying, but I see no issue with it, and could fully support this change. I also firmly believe I would get used to this after a while and not be bothered by it, same as the other changes to the website I've seen over the years. However I am not, in any way, shape, or form fine with an obtrusive redirection that reminds the user with every single download that they're a free member. More-so that this is quite intrusive, and you have to go through more steps to download multiple files. Then there is the issue of how this information is presented. As soon as I saw this, I felt like I was on a questionable file-hosting site. To be honest, this shakes my trust in the Nexus staff due to this association. I'm never comfortable with those sorts of sites, and with very few exceptions, I avoid them. Now with this feature in place, I get the same uneasy feeling with each download. Again, I understand you need money to run the website, and to pay your employees a salary. Please though, reconsider this change. I rather strongly feel that this is objectively in poor taste, and makes the site less user-friendly. At the very least, if you must do this (and I certainly am fine with a better implementation), I feel it would be far better design to, for instance, utilize the existing prompt system to offer these same options/reminders. Staying on the files tab, especially with some mods with close to, if not more than, 10 different files, is all-around more fluid for the end-user. I also feel that the information presented should do its best not to associate with the aforementioned sites. Bottom line, with the sort of resources you have at your disposable, I believe that this particular change could certainly be done in numerous different ways that makes the end-user more comfortable with the info presented. In closing, I mean no disrespect with what I've said, so my apologies if it has seemed that way. This change has just gone too far in my mind, and I would like to have my voice be heard. Thank you, Nexus staff, for maintaining this website. There are quite a few reasons The Nexus has become the go-to place for sharing mods. I only wish that you'll reconsider the implementation of this feature. With respect, -Matthios PS: To the forum members that read this, please don't say anything something similar to if I can afford internet, I can afford premium. That makes little sense as this is an additional cost, and not rolled into and covered by my internet bill (as I've seen some argue in other posts.) Furthermore, I am unable to support The Nexus on a per-month basis due to a very tight financial situation (IE most months I have difficulty having enough money, after bills, for groceries.) That being said, I have no issue making future one-time donations when I have money that needs to go nowhere else. I don't expect any of this for free, so please don't assume that, and given a more lenient financial situation, I would certainly be investing in premium, and the site. That is certainly reasonable and I feel that those who have that kind of money, and use the site often, should seriously consider some form of support. I do, however, at least expect user-friendly design and implementation on a professional website (which I don't feel is at all unreasonable considering this is an expectation most have when going to a reputable site.)
  2. Tentatively, I may have found a working solution, although I can't help but feel it's more of a band-aid than a proper solution. I don't have the exact setting in front of me right now, it's something along the lines of final stagger multiplier, it seems that setting that to 0 resolves the presented issue, and also seems to keep dead NPC's from still animating/flying into the air (a new problem that I came across after posting the original query.) If any new developments occur, I'll be sure to update as needed.
  3. Hey there! I recently discovered Engarde and have been testing it a fair bit today, trying to see if it might fit in my current mod list. Consistently, despite any changes made in the MCM or in the patcher, I find NPCs getting staggered/stunned (not sure which term best applies) indefinitely when that state is triggered. This occurs with and without any complementary combat mods (Ultimate Combat and Wildcat in this instance) and also with a minimum mod list where virtually every mod is cosmetic or a bug fix (IE USSEP.) I'm really liking what Engarde brings to combat, but with an issue like this, it's not something I can comfortably add to my existing list, unfortunately. The load order where the issue presented itself can be viewed here, and if any other information is needed, just let me know. Furthermore, here is the load order of three different setups I used in my testing. Each test was performed on a completely new save. Lastly, with each test, where relevant, I re-ran FNIS. I would be quite appreciative if anyone could assist in this matter. =-) Thanks! Edit: Yes I know, it's a lot of mods, please don't lecture me on that point. Part of my enjoyment with modding is in seeing how many mods I can cram into Skyrim and still have it be playable.
  4. KFC now offers pickle-fried chicken. This intrigues and horrifies me.
  5. Alright, I think I know what the problem is. As far as solutions go, however, I have no clue at this point. The issue appears to be that when the game launches, it defaults my input.settings file, clearing out all custom keybinds. What it doesn't do, though, is default the input.xml file. Therefore what I'm seeing in-game is as shown in the input.xml file, but no binds are actually in place because it's not connected due to the input.settings file being default... EDIT: solved it, looks like the keybinds need integrated into the pre-existing categories, IE you can't have more than one [Exploration] section.
  6. Hey everyone, hope all is going well for you! I've run into an issue where every modded keybind is set to none. I've ensured that the input.settings file contains the custom keybinds, and my input.xml contains all the necessary bits for each mod. I would consider myself rather new to modding The Witcher 3, so I may be overlooking something obvious. Also of note is that my input.settings file keeps being overwritten every time I launch the game, so I have set it to read-only (basically it gets set back to the default input.settings without any of the custom keybinds I've added.) I'm not entirely sure what to do about all this, so any and all suggestions are very much appreciated. =-) Thanks!
  7. To be honest, I never thought about not using the SKSE memory patch, but it's something that I'll definitely try. I've heard a lot about STEP, but never really looked into it, guess I need to research that as well. =-) Thanks again! EDIT: Well, found my first issue with this playthrough: I can't grab the Glenmoril Witch Head item from their bodies without crashing. Time to start debugging once again...
  8. Hey Darstyler! Thanks so much for the very in-depth response, it's much appreciated. =-) Looking through all this, it looks like I had my enblocal ini file set up incorrectly, to start with. I've looked at similar lists of unstable mods and did my best to avoid them, good to see you link a different one, though, to compare to what I remember. I've ensured my master files are all clean, so there shouldn't be any issues there. As far as a merged/bashed patch goes, after having some weird leveled lists, I decided to go without those and instead use Mator Smash to create a smashed patch. The issue presented itself regardless of which patches I used (I've verified the issue to be present in two different playthroughs, one with merged/bashed patches, the other with a smashed patch.) Concerning memory, I've had crash fixes installed for quite some time now, as well as ENBoost and the SKSE memory patch. I do my best to avoid ever removing mods mid-playthrough. Which is honestly why I probably have gone through hundreds of (very much incomplete) playthroughs/playtests... Let's see, I also ran through the game a few times at the problem area with the Skyrim performance monitor. From what I recall, I had about one GB of headroom on the VRAM and RAM when the crash happened. I've never heard of that mesh healer tool, and reminds me of a notification crash fixes gave me not too long ago, it was about corrupted nif files. It's something I'll be looking into as I proceed. Now, for an update. I looked at my current mod list, and due to not only the aforementioned issue, but also overall instability, I decided to basically scrap the entire thing and start over, weeding out mods I didn't want or need anymore. This time, though, I made sure to test to see if I got a CTD at any point in Northwatch keep. So far, the problem has not resurfaced. Granted, I've not started the quest that sent me there, but I'll be checking that soon enough. Fingers crossed that with your help and a new mod list, things will work quite smoothly. Thanks for your time and for the help!
  9. Hey everyone, hope all is well on your end! I've re-encountered a very frustrating issue where I can't enter Northwatch keep, the game just crashes out whenever I try. I've run out of ideas on how to fix this, so any outside insight would be much appreciated. I'll include some files detailing my list of mods. Thanks, and take care!
  10. Hey, thanks so much everyone for your responses! Mattiewagg, you can fill properties dynamically, like in script as opposed to statically in the Creation Kit? I never knew that, and could be quite useful. You're talking about properties such as "ObjectReference Property test Auto?" I'll attempt to be more clear in what I'm attempting: say I have five chests in a storage cell that never change. Then there are five chests spawned in the world whenever the player feels they need five chests (not actually what my mod does, just an example.) To avoid item loss, I want to basically say something like chest01 in the world belongs to chest01 in the storage cell at all times. So when you access chest01 in the world, your inventory goes to that same chest, but in the storage cell. I do hope that makes sense. =-) Necrocytosis, mm, something like that, yes. But where each Ender Chest only goes to another specific Ender Chest, and not accessible to all Ender Chests (if I remember how those work in Minecraft.) Kind of like that mod for Minecraft where you basically color-code Ender Chests to make them go to a specific chest with the same color. The name escapes me right now, though. As a bit of an update, I found a solution using a combination of PapyrusUtil (which may be unnecessary as I only use it to make globally available lists) and SKSE, but am still interested in other ways to achieve the same thing. I'll do my best to explain everything, but if I'm not clear, do let me know! There is no short version, so please bare with me. My mod basically allows a player home to be spawned anywhere in the world, and as part of this, I do a lot of complex calculations. To simplify the placing of the home, I used JContainers to write every possible static calculation result, as well as every object's base form, to an external file. This information is then read from the file and placement of the home begins. I then use Game.GetFormFromFile to basically compare each item as they're placed to an activator that I've made that looks like a chest (GetFormFromFile is the only way I found to make the activator's ID be mod index-independent.) If one is found, it's stored in a PapyrusUtil formlist, which admittedly is probably silly as you could probably use a built-in array. I'll refine it later, I suppose. Anyways, as each item is stored, I alter its base form name to be something like chest, chest0, chest1, etc. and set its display name to be simply "chest" as otherwise I end up with a chest named something like "chest32." This next part is where SKSE's StringUtil functions come into play. In a separate script that is attached to each chest, I do a generic OnActivate() event. In this event, I basically take in the base form name of the activated object, say chest25, peel off the chest part, turn the 25 part into an int, and use that in an ObjectReference property array that contains all chests in a storage cell, ending with a check to see if the activator was accessed by the player and finally telling storageCellChest[25] to activate, showing its inventory in place of the chest that player actually sees. It's complicated, maybe a bit convoluted, but it does work, and works reliably. The only caveat is that you have to reset the base form's name each time the game is reloaded, as well as the display name, otherwise, well, none of the string manipulation will work and it would just be a mess. In the highly likely chance none of that made sense, here's some code. =-) The first is a non-functional read script snippet Form chestRep = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0000000F, "YourMod.esp") as Form int i = 0 int c = 0 while i < JArray.count(object) int obj = JArray.getObj(object, i) Form base = JMap.getForm(object, "SomeKey.Form") ;Placement stuff ;The important bit if base == chestRep ;Store the base somehow chestArray[c] = base chestArray[c].GetBaseObject().SetName("chest" + (c + 1)) chestArray[c].SetDisplayName("Chest", true) c += 1 endif i += 1 endwhile And the next is a mostly functional activator script snippet. ObjectReference[] Property chest_ Auto string name Event OnInit() name = self.GetBaseObject().GetName() EndEvent Event OnActivate(ObjectReference ref) string index = "" int i = 0 if StringUtil.GetLength(name) == 5 index = "0" elseif StringUtil.GetLength(name) == 6 index = Substring(name, 5) elseif StringUtil.GetLength(name) == 7 index = Substring(name, 5) endif int final_I = index as int if ref == Game.GetPlayer() && final_I != -1 chest_[final_I].Activate(ref) endif EndEvent For others that may be reading this, consider this a warning: I didn't go out of my way to make any of these scripts drag-and-drop usable, as they are just for demonstration. Thanks again for the responses!
  11. Hey everyone! I'm looking into ways to link chests together, but the catch is that one part of the link is dynamically generated. I was wondering if anyone has any experience with this sort of thing, or any idea how I might achieve such a link. Thanks, and take care!
  12. Ah, so it's all just documented in the source files itself, got it. =-) I tested that function, and while it showed potential, it's still a little slow for my liking. After a fair amount of searching, though, I think a finally found the answer: multithreading. I'll be finding out if I possess the knowledge to implement such a thing, and will report back with my findings.
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