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Landscaping Question


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When I look at Tamriel in the CS under World/Region I see that each city has it's own separate continent. The area outside of the cities is barren of trees rocks bridges and other cities. The terrain is "painted" where each item should go. When I paint my worldspace the "paint is removed when I Generate objects for this region. I've noticed that Tamriel has an empty world region and I wander how this is done. The copy cell option is in the menu but it produces no results. Here are a few questions I need answers to


1. How can I copy my worldspace so that I can add cities to areas without reproducing every item in my worldspace?



2. Do I need to paint a worldspace copy so that it can be used for each of the cities?


I have yet to understand how Bethesda accomplished this.


Another problem I am having is with the worldspace map. If I search the ESCS Wiki for maps I get tutorials about UV mapping and about the map local area function. I have found that the Cyrodiil map is 2048x2048 and that any new map should be placed in C:/Program files/Bethesda software/Oblivion/Data/Textures/World/Maps but that is all I can find. How do I make a map so that I can fast travel within my own worldspace?

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Har, if you ever figure out the how to make a map for a worldspace let me know...



As for the rest I'm not entirely sure how they accomplished what they did. Only thing I can think of is you make a new worldspace, set the PARENT to Tamriel and voila. That way you can find the same cell that you city would be in and begin building the 'interior' of your city. It doesn't have to be 100% exact close enough so the land outside the walls doesn't look completely different.


As for the region editor, I don't really know how to use that but I DO know it'll completely wipe any custom changes you have made yourself. And don't ask me for tree/rock placement tips, I found a friend of mine to do that for me in my own mod so I can work on the town/scripts/every thing else. :)


That... and whenever I tried to use the region editor it'd only plop down one item type. I had all the items I wanted in the list but none of the others appeared so I gave up on it haha

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I tried making Tamriel the parent and ended up with land hovering above land, it was a mess. The thing is, I don't want players to be able to fast travel from Pellucidar to Tamriel and back. I just need them to be able to fast travel within Pellucidar. I have replaced the map for Pellucidar but something is wrong, no map shows up, when I return to Tamriel the map of Cyrodiil returns so I know it can be done. I just don't know how to map the continent so that it's the correct shape and size and the map markers show in the correct area.
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If Pellucidar is in a different worldspace than Tamriel (I thought it was just a city, sorry) You'll want to make each city's worldspace with Pellucidar as the parent. As for maps I still don't know. I did see you checked the wiki for maps and didn't find anything... I'll take a poke around myself there and at a few other sites and see if I come up with anything.


edit: Take a look at this. I only quickly glanced at it but it seems solid enough. Let me know how it turns out and if you still run into problems I'll take a look at it myself to see if I can figure it out, though I did read something about hex editing which I have NO idea how to do... but I think he tells you what you have to do.



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If Pellucidar is in a different worldspace than Tamriel (I thought it was just a city, sorry) You'll want to make each city's worldspace with Pellucidar as the parent.

I thought the same but I still don't know how to make the new worldspace for each city. As I said, Bethesda seems to have made an empty world and copied it for each city. How can I copy my worldspace?

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They didn't copy a worldspace. What they did was make a new worldspace have a PARENT from another world space. So here's what you'd do:


Go to World-> WorldSpaces


Then, right click and choose NEW. In the worldspace menu for your new worldspace, there should be a little box, right under Name, that says Parent Worldspace. Click there, find your original worldspace (Aka: Pellucidar if that's the name of your worldspace) and then click okay. What this does is make an EXACT copy of the parent, but without trees, rocks, or other placed items. The terrain/terrain textures will still be there though. I believe that's what bethesda did, because if you select the Anvil or Bravil worldspaces, their parents are Tamriel.

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Thank you once again Khet. I'll give that a try. This has been holding me up because I didn't want to paint the continent and have it removed when adding objects to a region or vice versa. Hopefully I can now get back to building my world
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I just checked it out and it worked perfectly. I can now build my world without worrying about erasing something. Thank you again. Now I just need to learn about the maps so if you find anything please let me know
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If Pellucidar is in a different worldspace than Tamriel (I thought it was just a city, sorry) You'll want to make each city's worldspace with Pellucidar as the parent. As for maps I still don't know. I did see you checked the wiki for maps and didn't find anything... I'll take a poke around myself there and at a few other sites and see if I come up with anything.


edit: Take a look at this. I only quickly glanced at it but it seems solid enough. Let me know how it turns out and if you still run into problems I'll take a look at it myself to see if I can figure it out, though I did read something about hex editing which I have NO idea how to do... but I think he tells you what you have to do.




That's the same tutorial that I found, it helped but like you, I don't know what a hex editor is. This tutorial is mostly about how to install their map, I need to know how to make and install my own. here is an online map that I have used as a reference even though my Pellucidar is much smaller



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Unless your map is an EXACT copy of the game world then it won't work. You could probably google hex editor and find a free download for one but I'm at a loss on how to edit hex files myself. As for how to make an accurate map, I've no bloody clue really, and I'm sorry for that one. Perhaps someone else has experience for making a map, or you could find one of those mods that adds a new 'world' and check if it has an ingame map. If it does, try to contact to author to see if they can let you talk to the one that made the map for that mod and see how they did it... but honestly map making for Oblivion is something I couldn't figure out myself, which is a pity since I'm working on my own worldspace too... one of these days I'll spend a few hours figuring it out but quite frankly my mod just isn't far enough along to even bother about a map right now.
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