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Weather: Preview in Editor possible?


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Hey there,

is it possible to immediately see the changes one has done to a specific weather? Because: Changing settings, laoding plugin in skyrim, change some settings again, load plugin again etc. is quite slow.


So how do you do this?


Or is the only option I have the hotload plugin function?



Edited by UnknownX12
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Kind of confused as to what you are asking?


are you saying in the creation kit you are in a certain area/cell and you changed the weather in that area and now you want to jump in game to see it?


or you want to see that weather inside the creation kit?

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Kind of confused as to what you are asking?


are you saying in the creation kit you are in a certain area/cell and you changed the weather in that area and now you want to jump in game to see it?


or you want to see that weather inside the creation kit?


Well, the fastest way would be to see the actually weather as a preview in the CK. Is this possble? (So for example: I change the sunlight colour to "pink" and wanna see now in the CK how everything is illuminated by the new sunlight colour.)


And if not: What is the fastest way to do it ingame? I would say with the hlp (hot laod plugin) function? So i am in the area at a specific time (ingame), change the weather in Ck+save, go back in the game and hlp the plugin to see the changes. Is this how you would do it?


Hope the question is more clear now. If not, let me know.

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@UnknownX12 - I would think hlp would be your quickest option,I do know that many users of weather/lighting mods will not see changes to their game immediately after activating such mods unless they use the in game wait function for at least 24 hours.
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@UnknownX12 - I would think hlp would be your quickest option,I do know that many users of weather/lighting mods will not see changes to their game immediately after activating such mods unless they use the in game wait function for at least 24 hours.


But i just cant imagine that the great weather mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17802 was made by this timeconsuming method....


Does hlp work for you? My game keeps crashing when i use it.


If you could tell me, what you enter in console to get this thing to work, would be nice ;)

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Tbh - I have not tried hlp - only read about it on the Beth forums.Unfortunately I am unable to test it right with my own mods now as I am waiting for a new mobo and PSU to arrive for my gaming pc.


In case you have not seen the info on the Beth Forums here is the link;Creation Kit Feature - Hot Loading Plugins

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  • Load the Creation Kit as normal. Load your plugin (or create a new one)
  • In this example, we’ll pretend our active plugin is “nifty.esp”
  • Launch Skyrim as normal (and load your cell if it's an interior)
  • Make some changes in the Creation Kit, such as moving or adding a static.
  • In-game, open the console (~) and enter the command: “FCF”
    • This step only applies if you loaded nifty.esp in the Data files section of the launcher
    • This only has to be done once per boot of the game.
    • FCF is shorthand for “force close files”, and allows the Creation Kit to save a loaded plugin

    [*]Return to the creation kit and save nifty.esp[*]Return to the game. If possible, position yourself where you’ll notice your changes.[*]Open the console and enter: “HLP nifty” (or the name of your .esp file)

    • HLP is shorthand for “Hotload plugin”

    [*]The scene will re-load. Your changes show now be visible in-game!




Works as advertised for me.




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