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(suggestion) Be pregnant mod/sex mod


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this is my sugestion for a mod


so basicly what the mod should do is make it able if your playing as female to get pregenant by having sex with the person you maryed or if its to complicated for you to get someone to mary you ingame you can go to a building located somewhere in skyrim and have sex there or find some one to mary there and once you had sex you see the how to female you had sex with or your own character if playing female changes like growing belly larger breasts and it bases itself on the day/month system of skyrim so after 5 skyrim moths you need to stay at your player home with your thane till the birth of ther child and the birth happens at a random moment form half the fith month to the sixth month and then you get a talk noption to say your thane to bring you to the medical building in withrun and there is where the birth will happen and you will be able to choos to keep the child as sombody that will help you at your player home or just set it for adoption also there will be after birth effects so the firest two skyrim days your character if playing female will be at the player home of choise but the third day you can do more and at the fifth day you will be able to do evrything aigan if your playing female also you will get debuffed slowly till half of the fith skyrim motnth you have to stay at you player home also if the birth is happend your debuff will go away slowly till the fifth skyrim day when you can do evrything you ould do before aigan olso maby use the CHSBHC - BBP - Nude and Jiggly Mod by CherryHotaling to do the breast changing and belly changing over time becuas iv found it has a handy slider extra dowload where you can costumize the belly and the breasts and maby if this is not to mutch to ask but i would like it if you puted this in that you could prevent being pregent by buying somme kind of potion you have to take servral times wich is hard to make self and you can buy it at the mecical building in white run or the same place where you could have sex for 1000 gold each or so and you also could buy somme kind of female condom or male condom there to for 2000 gold each or so .


so that is my idea for a mod i would realy like it if some one maked it or servral poeple actualy team up to make this.

what me actualy got thinking about this is when i was watching the nexus and i saw somme sex mod and then i tought of maby in addition to that actualy somthing would happen after that so its just not like see that npc there i am gonna have sex with it and nothing will happen after that so i think this would be a mod that is more realistic and maby good for somme roleplayer in skyrim its just a suggestion do but i would realy like to see this mod

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Play beast race, sex up Lydia, she tells you she is pregnant and its yours.

You laugh since beast races cant have children with mer or elves.

Insert becearalface.jpg


Its a good enough idea but lore states that half the races cant even procreate with the other half, it'd take annoying script to make only same race pregnacies, and if you make the player prego it'd have to determine what race you picked as well as the race you sexed up and your genders.


Coding dependancies with situationals.


Though I did see a mod for making the player change weight or whatever... did not look into that.

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but lore states that half the races cant even procreate with the other half

It's put there to make it feasible why there aren't any half-argonians or half-Khajit in Tamriel. Devs didn't bother to implement such depth. That's why you don't see scaly humans and nekomimis around.


I for one could imagine this being added to Hearthfire, so instead of adopting you can have your own children running around your house.

Scripting-wise it is possible, especially with SkSE.

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I think it would hilarious to have realistic pregnancy be detrimental to your character.

You start to need to waddle, you get 'addicted' to strange foods every so often, you automatically use [intimidate] dialog choices, you throw up every morning...


That would be hilarious, as well as somewhat interesting because I've never seen a game do it before.

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I think it would hilarious to have realistic pregnancy be detrimental to your character.

You start to need to waddle, you get 'addicted' to strange foods every so often, you automatically use [intimidate] dialog choices, you throw up every morning...


That would be hilarious, as well as somewhat interesting because I've never seen a game do it before.


i think not even The Sims did it ever that in depth...

though i think it would be better to keep it rather simple, it still sounds disturbingly funny.

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I think it would hilarious to have realistic pregnancy be detrimental to your character.

You start to need to waddle, you get 'addicted' to strange foods every so often, you automatically use [intimidate] dialog choices, you throw up every morning...


That would be hilarious, as well as somewhat interesting because I've never seen a game do it before.


well it doesnt need to be to complicated like getting those things in just the basic idea of being pregnant in skyrim and a bit of simulation over time like health/walkspeed/stamina.etc debuff so it actualy starts getting dangereas for you outside and forcing you to stay at your home and like if you go outside while your pregnant and your to far away to make it back to the medical center when the birth is gonna happen it possble could happen there with less chance to get the child born and you cant set the child for addoption then and you have more chance to die when the birth is going to happen.

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I believe it would add a realistic touch to the game. It seems kind of silly that kids magically all appear in game the same age but i agree id see this being more compatible with Heartfire. And the thing with the beast races would have to be explored but since according to Racial Physiology, beast children are a bit of a taboo, meaning there may have been cases of cross breeding but cases were hushed. I see no reason either why mer and men cannot breed because their bodies and genetic makeup are much the same. Beast, perhaps a child could be born wither one or the other, taking on the traits of either beast parent or man/mer parent? Myself, im hoping with some mods i can have the same species marry my character. then a khajiit cub would make purrfect sense!


I do agree the idea of pregnancy is good but this mod to be made would need some tweaking. And i believe in order to make babies you need to be with your wife/husband, so perhaps if you dont want a kid, sleep in a different bed at night? I dont believe condoms would be very lore friendly, a contraception in the form of a drug or a herb would be something more practical for that age and era setting. Available to buy at your local apothecary for those wanting to sleep with this spouse, and perhaps stays in your system for approx. a month in game time.


And heres an interesting one, what of those with wolf blood, or vampire blood? Could the offspring have those qualities as well?


Id like to see this mod idea progress as a project in the near future myself, tweaking is needed, but the idea is good and possibly doable.

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  • 2 weeks later...

well i like the sounds of the herb instead becuas like you said it will be more lore friendly


and yes i know that there is alredy a mod that lets you have sex


the onlything do is that i am not a mod maker myself so i would love it if anyone wich has more knowledge in making those sort of scrips and all would start making this or maby a bunch of poeple that just work together to do this

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