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(suggestion) Be pregnant mod/sex mod


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well like you guys said there is alredy a pregnancy mod but its realy restricted with what i was suggesting here i was thinking to like combine the animated prostitution with it and add the pregnancy aspect ontop of that where you also can get yourself pregnant if your playing a female character if you wanted to and if you are for example a human and the other person kajid there is a chance for a mix race Edited by alline1999
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well like you guys said there is alredy a pregnancy mod but its realy restricted with what i was suggesting here i was thinking to like combine the animated prostitution with it and add the pregnancy aspect ontop of that where you also can get yourself pregnant if your playing a female character if you wanted to and if you are for example a human and the other person kajid there is a chance for a mix race


This seems to happen way too often.


But, anyways, mixed races can be a bit complicated if you include the entirety of the list, but it would perhaps work if you look at it as the following list:

  • Human
  • Mer (Elf)
  • Khajiit
  • Argonian

Bosmer are already "Manmer," they could randomly determine Human or Elf, since only "one" is present in the seed and egg.


"Pure breed and half breed, never less, never between" would make it safer if combined with a mod allowing children to grow up; during pregnancy tag check (or perhaps birth check, to allow savestate to swap the type?) the parent breeds are determined by a "random of two," 1 being the alphabetically previous race and 2 the latter.


I was actually thinking about this. I would love to have a pregnancy mod, especially in conjunction with mods like Animated Prostitution, where you could specify 'c** in me' or 'do not c** in me'.


Rather, it should be in the options; any position where reproduction is possible would have a percent chance to work: 1%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, or 99%. The existing percent gives a reason to be cautious even on 1%, or some "the egg was deformed" rarity at 99%.


It could even be possible to set the cap at 50% and set it by 10's; in order to get it higher you would have to cast a spell or consume some potion to raise fertility/potency of seed and egg. Maybe same-race couples would get a natural boost to the chance (Unless it's 0%), too, since they're "additionally capable," man- or mer-khajiit couples get a reduction, khajiit-argonian get the same reduction, and man- or mer-argonian get a massive reduction (impossible without boosts?).


For example, if it's set by default to 50:

  • Man-Man: 50%
  • Man-Mer: 40%
  • Man-Khajiit: 25%
  • Man-Argonian: 0%
  • Man-Manmer: 40%
  • Mer-Mer: 50%
  • Mer-Khajiit: 25%
  • Mer-Argonian: 0%
  • Khajiit-Khajiit: 50%
  • Khajiit-Argonian: 25%
  • Argonian-Argonian: 100%*
  • Argonian-Khajiit: 25%*
  • Argonian-Humanoid: 0%*

Note that argonian dominants (I mean this in the hypothetical scenario where everybody is always missionary) get special percentages. This is due to the nature of reptile seed: whereas mammal seed dies fast, reptile seed lives for six years, so that it can be used when an egg is ready for it. This should be represented as a racial trait "Reptilian Reproduction", which applies a VERY long (de)buff "seeded" to the partner, only removable through special means (a specially designed douche, perhaps). Since we're assuming some form of compatibility, it may only be a few game-months long. Pregnancy will immediately remove the Seeded buff.


Aside from boost "diseases" and buffs, there could be incompetent (is that the right word?) diseases and buffs. For example, even back then, there was a form of condom, though not as efficient, it could perhaps be -10% chance, and could come with enhancements for greater reduction.


Argonian purebreeds should always have a 100% chance, plus chance increasers to make it harder to decrease the chance--the player would have to go through the trouble of having increasers removed.


Cross-beasts would recieve a +25% modfier due to similarities in their races. When the male is argonian, the Seeded buff on the Khajiit performs a routine check every so often to see if she bears child.


Argonian to Man/Mer would be 0% unless the female is enchanted or buffed to recieve Argonian seed, but Seeded buff would still perform the routine check, just incase they do, at some point, get enchanted. This leaves the risk, if the male Argonian is the player, of their mate secretly getting that enchantment. The enchantment would set the odds to 25%.


Khajiit-Man/Mer hybrids would have a 70% modifier to the set percentage (50% becomes 35%, 100% becomes 70%) when breeding between either of the three races, and a 30% modifier when breeding with Argonians. The previously mentioned enchantment should DOUBLE the rate, meaning a Manjiit-Argonian breed chance during a 50% normal rate would be 30%, not 25%.


Argonian-Man/Mer hybrids would also have a 70% modifier to the set percentage when breeding with the Man or Mer, but should have a 150% modifier when breeding with Argonians. That's 75% pregnancy rate at a base of 50%.


Manmer hybrids count as the opposite race during the check: 40% during breeding with man or mer. Their odds with the beast races are still normal.


Beast hybrids would have a particularly special buff: Potency of the Beasts. When breeding with Khajiit, their odds get a 150% modifier, when breeding with Argonians, they get a 500% modifier (10% becomes 50%, anything else becomes a guarantee)--Any percent above 100% WOULD reduce the chances of lowering it below 100%--, man and mer get a 25% chance. Any time it fails, it will leave a half-length Seeded buff.




Further racial attributes are determined on the parent breeds, but recieve only half the benefit from each. When breeding to lesser or greater amounts than "half," only one side is chosen and transfered as a new half. A Dunmer-Orc breeding with an Imperial would get either a Dunmer-Imperial or Orc-Imperial, for example. The sign of the children would depend on when they were born--Birthsigns are, after all, determined at time of birth. Potency of the Beasts, however, should NOT disappear; even if the khajiit and argonian are both bred out, children of that bloodline should continue to retain that potency. Yes, this means that you could eventually get a purebred Nord with super-potent seed. They will sign songs of his bed-habits.


Why would your children keep your traits? Well, it was done like this in Morrowind: When you had children, if you died, you could start "anew" as one of your children. Done with growing children, a child who's grown enough to already start adventuring could actually have a chance of finding their dead parent's corpse before any items are lost to corpse-looters. The more time that passes before the body is found, the more likely the body will be moved and/or items be taken; arriving near the point where an item would be taken away, the decendant could even stumble across a bandit looking through the pockets.


Dragon soul count, words, and all levels known should be reset, and there should be some initial reputation loss ("I know you're the decendant of the than, but that doesn't make you them. You'll have to earn that title") that would be regained through a few simple quests to prove they're a worthy heir. When played with the Character Creation Overhaul, one would have to go through that again to determine the "starter" levels and experience gain rates.


TL;DR? I'm afraid I don't really have a way to sum it up! Just check the bulleted list for the generic rates.

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