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Hello everybody!


I am currently working on a small mod that (among other things) has it's own worldspace.

Because the maximum size of a custom worldspace is limited to 32x32 cells (Source: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6066563-new-worldspace-worldspace-size/ ) I would like to know how "big" one exterior cell is.


I ask this because I want to have two "regions" in my custom worldspace: A coastal area and a mountain area and a "natural" transition between them.

If there isn't enough space for a natural looking transition, should I just use one worldspace for each area?


Knowing the dimensions of an exterior cell would also greatly help with the planning of the placement of buildings, roads and so ...


As you can probably tell, I don't have much experience with the creation of custom worldspaces ....

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I just realized that I can just load some exterior worldspace and just place some object at the border of the cell and then see how many "units" i have to move it to get to the cell border on the other side of the cell.


I did that and found out that one cell (yellow grid, when pressing b in Render Window) is 4096 units in the X and in the Y direction.


But that brings up the next question:


How large is one of those "Snap to grid" units?

It has to be rather small, because if I set it to 1, I can place things rather exactly. So maybe 1 "CK-unit" equals 1 inch? Just guessing ...

So that would mean one cell is 4006 x 4006 inch big, that would be 104.0384 m. That seems wrong ...

Would be nice if I could have some information on this, so I can start working ...

Edited by YouDoNotKnowMyName
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Hello there,


Here's the chart for the units to real world measurement :




If I remember correctly, an exterior cell is 4096 x 4096 units, which makes it 58.5 x 58.5 m.


A floor tile is 256 x 256 units, by the way.

Thanks, I have seen this table before, I didn't know that it would be the same for Fallout 4.

Thank you very much @DiodeLadder

(nice username, by the way :laugh:)

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